The only creative changes I think PS may think of doing is to bring back family essence that lacked since haveli. I don’t know if this working or not, only time will tell.
Tried with promotion of Dhara and Rishita and sometimes even Dev but didn’t work. Makers know audience love Gombi because of Shivi relationship with Gombi so trying this way (Gombi in the news everywhere) so that audience will connect with the whole family than just Shivi.
This means reduce Shivi SS, not give importance to SR, unjointed scenes which doesn’t make sense (to me at least) focus on family struggle, GauRa’s sacrifice, PS, family dream of PS.
It all comes down to how well actors portray their characters so that they are liked. Unfortunately one cannot force someone to like someone no matter how much increase or reduce SS they get. It’s how their actions impact audience.
It’s a gamble which could go either way.
Edited by Seja1 - 2 years ago