When Sitcoms meet Desi TV - Sheep+Host - Page 12


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JustRandomGirl thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

seems like a bad clumsy day for the host today

first link is working but someone submitted w/o the name, my bad the username part wasn't updated that time :(

and for the second one yet to receive a response so idk if the link is still working or not

its working on my side

can someone let me know if the link is working for both or not? questions r suppose to be different

SoniRita thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: RandomWaliLadki

seems like a bad clumsy day for the host today

first link is working but someone submitted w/o the name, my bad the username part wasn't updated that time :(

and for the second one yet to receive a response so idk if the link is still working or not

its working on my side

can someone let me know if the link is working for both or not? questions r suppose to be different

Looks gud now i think

JustRandomGirl thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

participants ke jagah iss host ne khud ke le li

WildestDreams thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago


How I Met Your Mother

Brooklyn 99

The Big Bang Theory

The Office

Zero seen from the list!🀣🀣 Anda party ready!

Aquabutterfly thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: RandomWaliLadki

Rules for the Game

β€’I will be sending two forms. One form is solely for host choice and another form is solely for sheep round. Make sure you do not confuse between the two forms. Each form has two sections so don’t confuse that either.

β€’For the sitcoms I included specifically 5 sitcoms as these 5 are the only ones I watched. The 5 sitcoms are


How I Met Your Mother

Brooklyn 99

The Big Bang Theory

The Office

so make sure your answer is from any one of the 5 sitcoms. Answers from other sitcom will not be accepted.

β€’There will be 7 questions for the Host and 8 questions for sheep. Each question may have different points.

β€’There will also be a twist mentioned at the end of the submissions.

β€’The deadline to submit answers will be on Sunday 10pm IST.

β€’Result will be released on Monday.

Never watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S and How I Met Your Mother so this will be interesting πŸ‘πŸΌ

SoniRita thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: WildestDreams


How I Met Your Mother

Brooklyn 99

The Big Bang Theory

The Office

Zero seen from the list!🀣🀣 Anda party ready!

😲 what omg u havent seen any of this. U r missing out WD

JustRandomGirl thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: WildestDreams


How I Met Your Mother

Brooklyn 99

The Big Bang Theory

The Office

Zero seen from the list!🀣🀣 Anda party ready!

just trust your instinct πŸ˜† and plus i m gonna be very lenient on the marking
WildestDreams thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: SoniRSippu21

😲 what omg u havent seen any of this. U r missing out WD

I know a little about Friends, HIMYM n the big bang theory

BB9 no idea like The office!

JustRandomGirl thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Aquabutterfly

Never watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S and How I Met Your Mother so this will be interesting πŸ‘πŸΌ

and those two shows were the first ones i watched 🀣
JustRandomGirl thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: WildestDreams

I know a little about Friends, HIMYM n the big bang theory

BB9 no idea like The office!

dont worry google baba is there to help πŸ˜†