daffodil153 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Now that Abhira are getting married there need to be a slight shift in attention to other characters and love stories!

Let’s start with Neirohi - I have a strong feeling it’s them next! Both of them were twinning in the Marriage functions! Frankly I am very excited to see how they will execute this story. Both of them can’t stand each other, completely opposite personalities and have different priorities in life!

Kaisha (personally do not like this pair) / would prefer Kaireem - If it’s Kaisha then we can see more of Goenka’s and Anisha non sense in Goenka house which I’m not a fan of like Mimi. If its Kaireem then they have to start from the start and not leave loop holes completely ignoring the hints dropped for Vansh and reem pairing. It would be interesting to see how they will get together?!


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DiscoDhokla thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: daffodil153

Now that Abhira are getting married there need to be a slight shift in attention to other characters and love stories!

Let’s start with Neirohi - I have a strong feeling it’s them next! Both of them were twinning in the Marriage functions! Frankly I am very excited to see how they will execute this story. Both of them can’t stand each other, completely opposite personalities and have different priorities in life!

Kaisha (personally do not like this pair) / would prefer Kaireem - If it’s Kaisha then we can see more of Goenka’s and Anisha non sense in Goenka house which I’m not a fan of like Mimi. If its Kaireem then they have to start from the start and not leave loop holes completely ignoring the hints dropped for Vansh and reem pairing. It would be interesting to see how they will get together?!

I am seeing so many comments saying neil and aarohi were twinning so they are a pair. 🤣 Parth and Nishtha were also twinning but they are siblings 🤣

There was no color logic in this wedding. everyone wore different.

Regarding reem- I love her. She has an amazing screen presence and good chemistry with everyone. I wish she was casted as anisha and paired with kairav. Reem has kirti like vibe- she would be so good if she had kirti like persona and opp kairav
