Nishant Moose Pratik Conversations Are So Repulsive

smallwonder thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

The kind of things they talk about are so yuck. Today morning Nishant was saying Moose will have to see his baltod 🤢 Makes me puke hearing such talk 🤢 And it continued for a whole while. And then he irritatingly sings some "vibe" things - awkwardvibe... baltodvibe . And then the discussion moved to the use of "gand" word. And pratik cant get over potty talk. This is the idea of entertainment, if not cheapness with neha.


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DaddyMarvel thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Engager 4 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 3 years ago

Infected bump on the skin due an ingrown hair.

DaddyMarvel thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Engager 4 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: smallwonder

The kind of things they talk about are so yuck. Today morning Nishant was saying Moose will have to see his baltod 🤢 Makes me puke hearing such talk 🤢 And it continued for a whole while. And then he irritatingly sings some "vibe" things - awkwardvibe... baltodvibe . And then the discussion moved to the use of "gand" word. And pratik cant get over potty talk. This is the idea of entertainment, if not cheapness with neha.

The entire house is a breathing mass of disgust and repulsion.
