Their Burning Desire!

Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Their Burning Desire!

"I love you."--- It's an immersive and interactive statement from her boyfriend!! His burning desire almost burnt her alive!! Love is a burning desire, that made his heart light on fire!

“How could I stop myself after seeing you so alluring? The hold of age on the heart, could I able to explain its limit to you? Why are you so uncaring Maya? Why are you so cruel going away by trampling my long sighs??"

A yearning desire to kiss the elusive sky without its consent!! To reach her is his only quest, asking to quench his thirst. Years of suffering stood there in her way, she saw the ashes of a smile there. Retreat Rishi, or you may have to rest in peace! The slayer is ready to say--' let us burn in the continuum. We are destined to meet in infinitum!!' She met his burning desire with a flared up emotion and tried to burn him alive!

Rishi saw his severely ill Diva on the bed and wanted to kiss her. Her slap on his face as her reaction to his untamed salacity which angered him, he talked about rights in love, for which she wanted to perform the last rites of his lust! But Rishi the hungry boy saw pure love in her acts and started admiring her more than ever!!!!

He sets off the fire with an extinguisher, his lust too extinguished little by little.

She was thinking ‘ my dear child, love is not what heals us, it is what burns us!!’ He was besieged by a yearning desire, which she wanted to finish with her retributive justice!

He moved forward like a prey towards her, she lit the pyre of love in front of his eyes to terrify him, he ran away from his lust and returned to his senses, tried to extinguish it with a cool thought!

His burning desire to own her in a wrong way met with sudden combustion!

Someday someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked with anyone else!!

Maya saw Rudra's burning desire to know what happened to her in her past through that mere number!

He wanted to help her mother, to lift her from the abyss of sorrow, lied to convince his boss, only to know what is bothering her throughout!

Don’t be defensive Maya as there are usually three stories you wish to tell, and one truth, which you never shared with anyone until now!!

She unfolded her hidden sorrow in words, to invoke commiseration in his mind which will cover his thinking mind for a while now for sure!! Rudra developed a special feel for her, a tender feel, a flower petal-like tender feel!! He wanted to see the real Maya since his first meeting with her! He felt like he met his Maya afresh today!

The volcanic eruption of the glowing mountain of love was capped by the Icecream brought by Ananya in a cool way!

“We are pre-programmed to take correction from those who we love deeply, though our conscious minds can be deceived, our entire being can not! Thus, to give me a tough fight, you have to love me with your very soul, otherwise, I will bite the dust in this war for justice Rudra. Yet, if I see the courage of a soldier within you, one who is resolved to stay through the roughness of the challenges you faced, then your tough love will be the thing that keeps me on the right track!”

Mother wanted to help the bodyguard who was in need of a job, but Maya multiplied the guarding force to force her into seclusion! Her helping nature backtracked because of a stern look from her daughter!

Her burning desire for revenge, and his ardent wish to help her! Between the brothers, is this conflict going to reach a flashpoint?!

There is a specific love for the one close to your pumping heart!! There is a word for your special person lingering in the back of your mind. This abundance of love is shared for all who know the loved one. When she hugged him all of a sudden, he was stunned for a moment, then the gleeful heart started dreaming --

‘Is it a flowering season? Or is it your sweetest fragrance? Is it the same fantasy, which I meet at every twist and turn in a colorful forest?– Is it a spread out peacock feather? Is it a world full of blossoms? How many colors have flirted out from your hidden smiles!– Are they in custody of my Maya, who is in my arms at this moment?’

"Hey, my dear manly shield, even when my aura touches you---when my shadow chases you---- won’t you get startled, won’t you respond? Hear a sweet request which can tune the mind into sweet music, but I am sure my dear beau, it will deafen you in the future!!" A victorious smile on Maya’s face looked like an unsolved riddle for the onlookers!!

Edited by Viswasruti - 4 years ago


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tasnimrayian thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Oh My Allah,You write so beautifully!!

Are you a professional writer?

If not,you should take this talent of yours seriously❤️

Edit-Do you anywhere else?Do share your wattpad id(If you have any)

Would love to know more of your masterpiece

Edited by tasnimrayian - 4 years ago
oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

This is so beautiful😭

I cant even find new words to describe your work anymore


Nikita_99503 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 4 years ago

This is so beautiful... You have portrayed everything so beautifully. 😊

I am at a loss of words to express myself!!

Armu4eva thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Beautiful.. Poetic.. Magical.

Words are not enough to praise your immense talent. What an incredibly well written piece. Awesome stuff. Keep writing.

kuhelidebbarma thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Superb yaar👏

Keep writing more😊

DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Beautiful 👏

I think this is my fav line because of the profound comparison: he talked about rights in love, for which she wanted to perform the last rites of his lust!

Loved it! ❤️

Guneet80 thumbnail
Most Comments (October 2021) 1 Thumbnail Anniversary 9 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

It was fantastic!

Written so beautifully ❤️

Avyakta thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

What a piece of lyrical prose it is.👏 A well described emotions from three different persons' different angles, which added a special Madhurish touch to this. 🤗

1150176 thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Another brilliant piece of writing👏
