HBAS Chat corner - Page 183


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Kalgi22 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: Sabdabhala


Yes. πŸ˜†

Word Count: 1

selvi1275 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: lashy


Ok gimme a night!


Word Count: 1

Testmytest thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: karkuzhali

Good Morning Guys! Image result for good morning quotes with pictures
I woke up like that..
May be the Updates will happen !πŸ˜ƒ

Good morning Aunty and everyone πŸ€—

That is what we are hoping will happen, all depends on our dearest Author Sahiba!!

I have to/want to follow this motto from now on!!

Also it is total lunar eclipse (earth comes in between the sun and the mooon) and supermoon (will be coppery red) here in the US, it has started now but in about 2 hrs it should be full fledged. The skies are clear so I am hoping I can take a good picture!! Let's see what happes.

Unfortunately India and Australia will not see this eclipse though
Kalgi22 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: karkuzhali

With pictures and chats
Thread fifty two grows larger
Pages two twenty..

Baisas and Banna
Waiting to read the update
Sooner or later..

Babloo is worried
"Why no E T A 'nnouncement?
Lashy'kka , need help?"


Yes Lashy'kka being lashy 'kka testing our patience... 😭

Lovely haikus, Periamma! πŸ‘
Kalgi22 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: lashy

Need your help too, Babloo... I'm entangled here... with 57... with Rakhis... with growing pages and whatnot!

Meaning of entangled for Babloo😳
Learn to pronounce
  1. twisted together untidily.
    • complicated and confused; chaotic.
      "a tangled tale"


Word Count: 1

Testmytest thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: lashy


So, the temperatures dipping everywhere? stay indoors, stay warm and stay safe girls πŸ€—
Rekha and Vathsykka my hit chocos already parcelled there!

It's gotten quite cold here too.. though nowhere as cold as what it would he there... after a pleasant 8-10 so far this week it's been 2-5 degrees

So much drama for an inch of snow πŸ˜•

Then it rained and melted the snow away! So it is all good!!

Vathsy it is expected temps. to be in negative numbers in Canada!!
Lashy I know you take the three munchkins for the school run in the morning, will be chilly right? be careful dear πŸ€—
Testmytest thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: lashy

Need your help too, Babloo... I'm entangled here... with 57... with Rakhis... with growing pages and whatnot!

Meaning of entangled for Babloo😳
Learn to pronounce
  1. twisted together untidily.
    • complicated and confused; chaotic.
      "a tangled tale"

Oh this is so so chweeet!! Isn't this the cutest QB I have ever seen!
Kalgi22 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: roseraja1915

Rekha, Vathsy, Lashy Sahiba- hope the cold does not get any more unbearable, dearies!πŸ€—

Cure. Yes stay warm Baisas! πŸ€—

@Rekha, yes I'm much better and quite settle down.

@Chellam, it's so nice to hear from Appus. Hope uncle get well soon and Appu, you too take care. Drop in whenever possible. 😳

My moving place still not decided dear.

Testmytest thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: lashy

Message from Appu

Thank for posting Aparna's message Lashy

Good to hear from her, I was talking to my younger sister two days ago, who lives in Chicago, thought of Appu then.

Hope her father gets better. She will be back on the thread after this month, good to know.
Migraines are not good at all, solution: stay away from the phone and computer, good advice.

The cutie pie has anna prashana already? She is growing up!!

Best wishes to both of them. πŸ€—

Kalgi22 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: lashy

Her amber orbs hiding little bubbles of dreams, she rested her chin side upon one side of the window, taking in the smells of the mud, the water and burning logs wafting in. Her palm slowly flipped another page of the book lying on her lap - a book she'd held onto for an hour but hadn't read a single word of. The afternoon was largely quiet. Except of course for the rhythmic melody of chuk chuk that the train was playing on its own on tracks. Tracks that were littered with nature's red pearls against shawls of white and blue.


'Careful... the gap's wide there'

No, she wasn't in London anymore. She was on her way back home. And there were no such overhead announcements anywhere around here. But somehow, she hadn't stopped hearing those words every time that she was about to get on or off a train.


Picking up her phone, she switched on the screen.
There were many missed calls that hadn't been returned, many Whatsapp messages she hadn't responded to yet. 'Later...'
With a silvery sigh, she scrolled down through her long list contacts. till her fingers slowed down when they reached 'M'.

And then, stopped.

A languid smile prodded at her pink lips. 'Should I?'

Awww you should, Heera!❀️ What a beautiful snippet for that beautiful picture.. πŸ‘