Ustaad was informed of an an assassination plot and managed to locate the spot.
However, the rowdy plotters got wind of the raid and fled in the nick of time - or so they have made it seem. But he knows they are lurking in the forests outside, having surrounding the building, ready for a stealth attack.
Can you help Ustaad seize his evidence and then, raise a distraction in the form of a fire, to counter the enemy singlehandedly?
Let's see if you can help him spot these
1) The grand sealed scroll.
On the stool near the window on the right side of the main door.
2) A cloak as an added layer of protection.
There is one on the coat stand behind the chair on extreme right
And another near the twin candles near the water barrel on the left side
3) A barrel of water to keep himself doused and thus safe from the fire.
On the stool behind the door on the extreme left
4) A strong step-stool to aim the fire-bombs.
Just to the left of the main door.
Can the stool with the scroll called a step stool too?
5) Any extra weapons/blades in case he runs out of ammunition.
Below the stool that holds the water barrel
And beneath the cabinet with the globe atop.
6) Bottles of alcohol.
On the cabinet next to the stool with the scroll
7) Rags to help make a fire bomb.
Behind the chair on the extreme right.
8) A candle to start the fire
One on the round table
Two on the table at the front of the water barrel.
There is a candle near the books on the stool to the right of the main door but it is not lit.