Originally posted by: hatelove2012
Writer Jim I still don’t have an access to your blog. I cannot read the chapter 40. Please grant me an access. My Wordpress I’d is tabs2016. Thank you.
You have an access now. Sorry for the delay. :)
Originally posted by: hatelove2012
Writer Jim I still don’t have an access to your blog. I cannot read the chapter 40. Please grant me an access. My Wordpress I’d is tabs2016. Thank you.
You have an access now. Sorry for the delay. :)
Hi ,
I am reader of this FF and read all the chapters please grant me blog access
can you please allow access to wordpress account
IF ID is -Anu86-
You have an access now
You have an access now .
Originally posted by: matosarah
Haha! Yah I do want to start something else after this... But we have to finish this one first..☺️
I know Arnav and Khushi are my guilt pleasure
Originally posted by: matosarah
Noooo, I didn't get chance yet...till now I had been consumed with getting Chapter 40 on this forum..but now I have given up😡. This week was very hectic at work, but I want to start on next chapter this Sunday. I have the layout planned so shouldn't be a problem..☺️
No worries I will again disturb you on Sunday
Yours and mine both hehe . They are better than box of chocolate and glass of wine for me ☺️🍷🍫
Originally posted by: matosarah
Yours and mine both hehe . They are better than box of chocolate and glass of wine for me ☺️🍷🍫
So true any time any day :)
Please give a permission to access your blog link, my IF id is patrakankana
Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely mothers out there.
Hello. I'm a new reader and I've sent you a request for access a few times. My id on WordPress is ashney3110. Please let me in!