Raman said abhi is his step brother Ishita asked if its really true as abhi looks same as his age that means his father was having affair she stopped raman said yes abhis mother was his father PA they were having an affair from before his mother got married his father abhi is elder than him ishita notices raman is feeling bad so she tried to change the topic she asked raman how he got to know about abhi raman told her poor raman mr.bhalla is disgusting😡 ishra talk was lovely raman asked ishita to do job and stay in his home they will enjoy alot finally ishita agreed she convienced her parents ishita got job too days started passing ishra used to go college and job together ishita was ignoring abhi as much as she can it was sunday ishra were doing house work cursing each other doorbell rang raman opened the door and got shocked who was the people otherside of door