Shakra ...Sameers original mom are 2 different persons but I m glad mystery of shakra is yet to unfold fully
Anyways coming to the epi it was WOW
the much needed revelation between Kashif and gohar when gohar said she cudnt come SAMI WAS JUST OUTSTANDING IN THAT SCENE was a mix of relief sadness yet gratitude to Allah combined expression and SAMI just killed these few seconds
I like how the ost plays in crucial times of the play and takes the scenes a few notches higher
Soniya and zarnish looked so gorgeous in the engagement scenes WOW
Zahid had a lot of shades to portray today and he was outstanding in the few scenes
In some scenes Sami looks ultra skinny and in some scenes healthy ..given the show was shot in different time frames since last 1 yr as zahid mentioned in the interview
All n all the last few epis of the show will indeed be a roller coaster ride