Makar Sankranti Contest
Avatar and Signature Shop
Runner up
Originally posted by: Koeli_Appy
Lets start with these sections at the moment. Any inputs before finalization are welcome.Kamaal Ki KalakariSiggy of the Month (Animated/Non-Animated)Icon/Avatar of the Month (Animated/Non-Animated)Updater of the MonthTit-Bits of A/S ShopNew shop in townTutorial of the MonthRecent TrendsDOTW/Font or Texture or PSD of the Month (DOTW may consist of subjects like text use in siggies, colouring, mood, etcForum NewsContest Winners across IFUpcoming ContestCC/FFG/BC/others Recruitment NewsPopular Couple/Soap/Series on which graphicers are making siggies.
Originally posted by: Koeli_Appy
@rosy, tags needed
Makar Sankranti Contest
Avatar and Signature Shop
Runner up
Originally posted by: MeervanSJ
One thing which I want to ask is that for New shop in town is...what if on that day somebody has created a new shop before NL Posting and it will be on 3 or 4th page...In that case what to do? 😕