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Frequent Posters

Koeli thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
@rosy, tags needed

Makar Sankranti Contest
Avatar and Signature Shop
Runner up
Koeli thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Lets start with these sections at the moment. Any inputs before finalization are welcome.

Kamaal Ki Kalakari

Siggy of the Month (Animated/Non-Animated) MsChanadlerBong / Chaotic
Icon/Avatar of the Month (Animated/Non-Animated) MsChanadlerBong/

Updater of the Month

Tit-Bits of A/S Shop

New shop in town Chaotic
Tutorial of the Month
Recent Trends
DOTW/Font or Texture or PSD of the Month (DOTW may consist of subjects like text use in siggies, colouring, mood, etc

Forum News

Contest Winners across IF
Upcoming Contest Chaotic
CC/FFG/BC/others Recruitment News
Popular Couple/Soap/Series on which graphicers are making siggies. MsChanadlerBong

Edited by Koeli_Appy - 5 years ago
Chaotic thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
@Appy di: Will we be having the below categories separately for animated and non-animated or together?

Siggy of the Month (Animated/Non-Animated)
Icon/Avatar of the Month (Animated/Non-Animated)

agreatwcr thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 8 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: Koeli_Appy

Lets start with these sections at the moment. Any inputs before finalization are welcome.

Kamaal Ki Kalakari

Siggy of the Month (Animated/Non-Animated)
Icon/Avatar of the Month (Animated/Non-Animated)
Updater of the Month

Tit-Bits of A/S Shop

New shop in town
Tutorial of the Month
Recent Trends
DOTW/Font or Texture or PSD of the Month (DOTW may consist of subjects like text use in siggies, colouring, mood, etc

Forum News

Contest Winners across IF
Upcoming Contest
CC/FFG/BC/others Recruitment News
Popular Couple/Soap/Series on which graphicers are making siggies.

One thing which I want to ask is that for New shop in town is...what if on that day somebody has created a new shop before NL Posting and it will be on 3 or 4th page...In that case what to do?😕
agreatwcr thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 8 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: Koeli_Appy

@rosy, tags needed

Makar Sankranti Contest
Avatar and Signature Shop
Runner up

Okay captain 😃!!!!..well is that Avi/Sig shop bc??
Koeli thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Nope... just a contest.
Koeli thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Hello forumies,
A/S Shop wishes you a vary Happy Makar Sankranti.

While everyone will be busy celebrating this festival,
we bring you the most innovative contestfor the
awesome grapbicers.

Here is the chance to take part and win goodies in the first contest of 2019. That reminds us to wish you a very Happy New Year.

This contest is teamed up with New Year Resolution as well.

The Kite Contest - Udaan

- The Size of the Design should be 400x400 pix

- You have to design a kite in the given forma below.

- You can make a tag or a siggy. Non-Animated and Animated both designs will be accepted.

- The whole purpose of this contest is to showcase positivity. Your Kite should reflect Your thought/Your wishes/Any social message or maybe lifting up yourself etc.
The choice is yours.

- Do Not put your copyright.

- Do not advertise.

- Attaching a message that speaks about your edit is optional.

Submission Details

- Last Date of Submission | 12th of January 2019 23.59 IST
- Send your entries | Koeli_Appy
- Subject | Udaan Contest A/S Shop

Write up : Koeli_Appy
Tags : MeervanSJ
Edited by Koeli_Appy - 5 years ago
agreatwcr thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 8 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 5 years ago


Word Count: 0

Koeli thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
lol sorry... i was trying to center align... posted the contest ^
MsChanadlerBong thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: MeervanSJ

One thing which I want to ask is that for New shop in town is...what if on that day somebody has created a new shop before NL Posting and it will be on 3 or 4th page...In that case what to do? 😕

That shouldn't be a problem. The person assigned for that part will have to search pages of AS shops and list out all the new shops I guess.
I think we should consider all shops opened in the last month or last two/ three months. Cause galleries are rarely opened every other week. 😕