watched one episode. Sunny completely overshadowed Kareena.
She was really into one to one conversation.
Funny thing is, Kareena is hosting a talk show but she doesn't even listen or understand what other person is saying. questions are irrelevant and not connected. looks like a poor editing as there is no flow in the interview/talk session.
during the conversation, she looks at the camera and here and there so many times that it shows how disinterested she is. this episode itself proved that KKK (that's what she called herself) is not a good listener at all.
something i was really disappointed in was that Kareena felt hesitated while talking about Sunny's profession. I mean, first you called the person on your show knowing their line of work and then you are using rephrased or sugar-quoted words to define her previous profession
while asking questions about life struggle and difficult choices KKK was using words that made herself look like a guest who is hesitated and don't want to reveal too much.
just say it that how hard it was to choose p**n industry and then coming to bollywood instead of saying making choices, different path and all.
she just nods while other person is talking and immediately ask another question instead of going with the flow.
Edited by DamRyeong - 5 years ago