There Is One Thing Wrong About Dipika

145665 thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
I think she was right in all of her arguments and the way she tackled hypocrite Surbhi was amazing.

Surbhi has always treated Dipika wrong and Surbhi is the biggest liar to say that, Dipika behaves with Surbhi harshly because Dipika has been patient towards her, but there is a limit to everything, how much will she tolerate.

But, when Somi made her point about Sreesnath, Dipika was talking to her and trying to explain how Sreesanth is not behaving bad.

She was trying to convince Somi and I really felt that, she should stop doing that because everyone has the right to express their opinion,if she can support Sreesanth which is her choice, then Somi can also express her opinion without feeling judged.
Edited by maha786 - 5 years ago


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JumpingViolets thumbnail
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Posted: 5 years ago
Dipika's attitude of me and my bhai are always right is very wrong. She has always supported Sree at wrong times. Just because she says don't go to their level, tameez se baath karriye, doesn't mean she objects to him, because later on she again defends Sree and say he never does anything wrong or deliberately, he is just provoked etc..

She only stop him to diffuse the fight but in her mind she actually will be supporting what Sree is doing. Because yesterday again she made it look like that 11pm comment was Surbhi's fault and she may have deserved it.
RishuDarling thumbnail
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Posted: 5 years ago
I agree, everyone has the right to express him or herself. But they were in a task to come to votes and a decision to send one person to jail. In that respect Dipika can also try and change someone's mind. I don't think she was judging Somi.
Everybody was trying to put their points forth. One more than the other. And all accused were defending themselves. It's automatic behavior to get defensive.

In the past, when Sree or Dipika stated their opinion, others did comment and judged their opinion by the way. With comments like 'really? If you think this is right you thinking is wrong' etc. In that case, all judge each other.