Originally posted by: NathuPyare
No I have not.
I have seen debates on Indian news channels (the Hindi ones specifically) and that's what I'm talking about. Also I'm talking about the norms not exceptions.
people do lose their cool during debates and that quite normal... I'm not expecting deepika to match some Gold standard of maintaining cool while debating.
but you forget to mention
that the people who do loose their cool are the ones who automatically loose the argument as well
and no i refuse to accept indien news channels as the "norm"
if you argue with someone you dont scream their head off do you?
people are cabable of conversing with each other peacefully which romil clearly proved and dipika failed at
btw i would really suggest you to watch some clips of ben shapiro you will be surprised how he can shut people up by simply using his mind without raising his voice at all
its much better than indien news channels trust meπ
Edited by ayaan786 - 5 years ago