The prominent scripts of this season have been:
Bhai-Behan script- key actors Sreesanth and Deepika. uff thier rhootna and manana...can give any of the Hindi film bhai behen wallah drama a run for their money.😛
Love triangle script- Deepak, Somi, Romil. No comments. 😭
Mahaanta script- Of course the one and only KV
HC club script- Surbhi, Deepak, Romil and Somi. It is an exclusive club with restricted membership you see. Romil himself disowned KV as being a part of the club just in last episode.🤣
Bad boy of season script-the great Sreesanth.
Bad girl of season season script- misunderstood Surbhi Rana. Of course misunderstood only in her own understanding.
Incidentally both the bad boy and bad girl are currently on a special reformation diet. At times they do lapse but more or less on track.😉
So considering all the key scripts that have been enacted this season no surprises that all key players of the above are still around only a week or so away from the finale.👏