kiran -- i totally understand whatever u said.. pls read my previous reply to this post if u havent yet, to refer what i am going to say now..
see, it doesnt look like patriarchal thing /a man vs woman thing at the surface level.. but deep down it is.. if u imagine kunal as a victim and mauli as a cheater then probably it will help u understand this thing..
its NOT SHOWN that kunal is overpowering her bcz of his male ego and she is giving in to circumstances just bcz she is a woman..
and in case of rajdeep nandini it was crystal clear that she is giving in to his demands bcz both have patriarchal SOCH (mentality).
but what @yuri is saying is that we women are designed in this way and have been treated this way since birth that we don't understand our self worth..
do u remember when mauli's mother blamed her that she is the reason for his straying away and she should have taken care of kunal , she agreed to her mother. i know she was disappointed, hurt , confused and was wondering the reasons for his straying away and this led her to agree to her mother and i know that she didnt even mean that..
but what about all the efforts she made till date?? love can be a reason for this.. but if kunal were at her place then could he have done those efforts????
have u ever seen such man?? any example??
if there is any example the guy would be hazaro me ek..
and what mauli is doing is something that every second betrayed woman does..
so there is definitely a mind set in our society that women are supposed to make MORE efforts than man to make her relationships work and sometimes its ONLY women who are supposed to do ALL the efforts..
i have seen many majnoo deewanas who sulk recalling their ex girlfriends betrayal and out of them only few want those gfs back. but i havent seen any husband who is been betrayed for no reason and yet want his wife back..
exceptions are always there.. there may be examples but its RARE..
and if writers keep on pushing mauli towards him again and again and for no reasons then they will definitely set up an example that she was a weak woman bcz this time juzzbat and love can not justify her actions..
Edited by prettywomaniya - 5 years ago