Did u notice shrenu having PCOD problem
Hope she will be cured soon although I don't know it can be cured or not
How Do you know Minal ?
Same problem Sara Khan ( Saif daughter ) has and it's curable I guess
She lives healthy lifestyle
Did u notice shrenu having PCOD problem
Hope she will be cured soon although I don't know it can be cured or not
See this sumi
Yaah she will be always happy bcoz of her positive attitudeOriginally posted by: Sumita18
Thanks Minal
She seems fine and may be cured or on medication
She is ajways happy go lucky person god bless her :)
Yaah she will be always happy bcoz of her positive attitude
Did u notice shrenu having PCOD problem
Hope she will be cured soon although I don't know it can be cured or not
Originally posted by: janainni
PCOD is not curable(I have PCOD for more than 10 years). It's just that you can control it with being active, having a healthy diet and having a positive outlook towards life. Tough but not unattainable.
Originally posted by: janainni
PCOD is not curable(I have PCOD for more than 10 years). It's just that you can control it with being active, having a healthy diet and having a positive outlook towards life. Tough but not unattainable.
Originally posted by: .SNOWWHITE.
Me too have. 😆. Found out recently .Yes it can be controlled by being healthy. Can lead a normal life if its controlled by leading a healthy life😳