Felt sad for Sreesanth today - Turning point of the season - Page 5


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JaggatJug thumbnail
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Posted: 5 years ago
Hippo jaane de jaane de pata hai why you are posting this. So you support self harming in order to gain support?
BhataktiJawani thumbnail
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Posted: 5 years ago
Hippo you do have a point. Even i noticed Sree couldn't explain his side of the story properly because of language issues and this is what went against him. In frustration he walked out and started crying.

Did anyone noticed his voice when he was saying they highlight every single mistake of him? He was clearly crying even before going in the washroom and i can see how helpless he was😔 Also i am damn sure he was upset because Surbhi personal attacks weren't pointed out like him.

Last episode made me emotional😭
Lioness_ thumbnail
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Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: Anna_kan

Me too...just reading the written update was difficult.

I am overseas too. But you can watch the episodes online here

They are available couple of hours after India telecast.

Thank you
454573 thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
- good point. why were other person's friends not questioned and held accountable for
- dipika is those rare ones who can win this even playing as second to sree

- kv has done wrong things at wrong times...he is not a bad person

- yes surbhi basically admitted everything..guilt conscious lol

- sree 11 pm comment was instant reaction to kiss and comment surbhi made...it was not calling her prostitute...this is a big jump and spun...he simply said why is she behaving like that and she was indeed. still it was wrong but just a minor incident compared to planned abuse sree got

- No i think surbhi was herself in this. if anything it can be BB orders to after celeb. KV problem is his weak personality ..non clarity...mahanta...he is acting mahan by siding with common man. not working

- romil might have entered top 3. problem is rivalry wont be there and hence deepak has a chance

- self harming was not fake. there was a history of 40 minutes of one sided bias that led to this..maybe in more in real uncut shooting


Sree has mistakes in life and he has suffered too. There are people who have done much worst and feel no remorse. He came to the show to present his story. He realized its BB and here when they give you money they will use you ..unless u r shilpa or manveer. His language issues are real and today was the best example. He could have said much much more...as a viewer one felt helpless. One thought i wish i was there. It was 90-10 in terms of explanation

Sree cannot even put his point forward let alone spinning and manipulation that surbhi and deepak can do. I just felt it is a big limitation. Even as a person he is not spinner type so its total loss for him.


read all...

appreciate ur support...basically support for sree on this isse

Edited by Dr.Hippopotamus - 5 years ago
Sneha.Narayanan thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 5 years ago
Shocked to see this thread by Hippo. A huge fan of you n your posts but Not sure anymore.
Felt sad seeing Sreesanth crying ? How convenient! He told a girl that After 11 pm tere jaise ladki khadi hoti hai and we are trying to justify him by saying He didn't mean prostitute?
Is Surbhi wrong ? Definitely. Her behudgi and continuous poking can take a toll on anyone but Character assassination is just not done.
Just bcz Surbhi is wrong , doesn't make Sree right.
Let's not try justifying his mistake.
M very happy KV stood for Surbhi.

I don't know y ppl are disliking KV bcz of his friendship with Surbhi? Atleast these behuda deepak, rohit n surbhi are loving towards him and give him respect. Sree n Deepika just took advantage of him when he was in wolves pack and in turn called him out for being mahaan!

I would any day prefer KV being with ppl who love him and respect him.
I m not justifying Surbhi, But what Sree did is unacceptable.
fall06 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
agree with your analysis. Now I strongly feel that celebrities should stop participating in this ''ghatiya' and unfair show . They earned their reputation after years of hard work. They are kept with the people who have nothing to lose. Few out of these so called commenor may stoop to any level to get footage and celebrities are always targeted badly. Here is some suggestions to the channel for nest bigg boss season .Please pick your contestants from jail, chawl, red light area house maids. I promise you can get all kind of content you desire for.
DespicableMe thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
The morning song 'khalnaayak' was a cue from BB to Surbhi to do what she did...

BB wants to portray Sree as d villain of BB12...

There's no way a commoner can win on d basis of votes...so BB will play more n dirty tricks...👎🏼
Edited by pawancool - 5 years ago
1109664 thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Hippo has now become a doctor? =o
I sure missed a lot!

I honestly feel zero sympathy. Hes fake from head to toe.

454573 thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: SnehaDoll

Shocked to see this thread by Hippo. A huge fan of you n your posts but Not sure anymore.

Felt sad seeing Sreesanth crying ? How convenient! He told a girl that After 11 pm tere jaise ladki khadi hoti hai and we are trying to justify him by saying He didn't mean prostitute?
Is Surbhi wrong ? Definitely. Her behudgi and continuous poking can take a toll on anyone but Character assassination is just not done.
Just bcz Surbhi is wrong , doesn't make Sree right.
Let's not try justifying his mistake.
M very happy KV stood for Surbhi.

I don't know y ppl are disliking KV bcz of his friendship with Surbhi? Atleast these behuda deepak, rohit n surbhi are loving towards him and give him respect. Sree n Deepika just took advantage of him when he was in wolves pack and in turn called him out for being mahaan!

I would any day prefer KV being with ppl who love him and respect him.
I m not justifying Surbhi, But what Sree did is unacceptable.

if someone switches based on one post then they were not really a fan to begin with lol

i stick by every word i said'

and u spun his comment as well...
Delete_my_id thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
@ Hallooo, please write coherent, readable and concise post, separately not inline, I am sure u are putting so much effort in writing, and there would be many like me who would ignore it for this simple reason. Choose to ignore it if you don't like.