I Want Jasleen To Stay To Prove Rohit's Overconfidence Wrong

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Posted: 5 years ago
I really don't understand Rohit, why is he after Jasleen always, she only reacts when he pokes her.Even in today'sepisode,Jasleen was talking to Romil and Rohit was interrupting her in the middle.

Why does he always remind her of elimination, he only got safe because Surbhi is his friend. Rohit got saved because of the captain and not because of his hardwork.

H eis saying how he is safe, but Jasleen faces challenges and that has made her a stronger person ion the game.

She has faced a lot of bullying, but still stands strong and does not behave like a victim.

I am praying her journey continues and that will break the overconfidence of all housemates who thought she will be leaving this week including Sreesnath, he also backbites about her, but never says anything on the face.
Edited by maha786 - 5 years ago