Surbhi and Sreesanth Are Equally Nasty

145665 thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
First of all Sreesnath is using Dipika to stay in the game and that became so obvious after he did not support her in the task.He had said once after coming out of the secret room that, he will stay with her and plot against her.He will defeat her from love and not from open rivalry.

Also, he could have stood by her because she also supported him when he was a captaincy contender, he claims to be there fort his sister, but actions truly speak louder than words and he failed to prove with his actions.

On the other hand, Surbhi was shameless like always as she was the one who pushed Sreesnath and tried to play the woman card that, he touched me.

Surbhi is the reason why people won't believe women who actually face harassment in their life, as Surbhi takes advantage of being a woman.

She still calling Jasleen that, she is a footage seeker, but who came in Sreesnath and Rohit's argument.It was she who came, she enjoys involving people and getting involved in other people's fights.

She commented on Dipika's wajood, but sent Jaslene to jail for the same reason.

She interfered when Megha was talking to Rohit, what will Surbhi call this, I guess she will try to justify this by saying I am an emotional person.

Surbhi was getting personal with Megha and Dipika while they did not even talk about her once, she is the one who does not keep quiet when two people are talking and mind her own business.


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Frequent Posters

1150498 thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Agreed. I think Surbhi is a bit more nastier tho.
bijilee thumbnail
Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Surbhi and rohith are the nastiest.No one in the house is so down.They instigate sree ,so they r in limelight.Very caluclative provocation.
Sree is short tempered and a bit depressed may be due to tough times faced by him.He is a very nice person.He doesn't need anyone's support to stay in bb.Only needs to control his temper.