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Posted: 6 years ago

LinkedIn isn't just a fantastic networking tool or an easy way to keep in touch with the person you interned with at that PR agency back in 2012LinkedIn can be an avenue into your dream job. People are hired via LinkedIn every day and most recruiters look to the platform for real insight into who it is they're hiring. It's time to polish up that profile. Vogue spoke to Joan Wong, a sourcing market specialist at Telstra, who has been named by LinkedIn as the number one social recruiter in Australia and New Zealand two years in a row. Here, Wong shares her lessons for getting hired on LinkedIn.

Be clear with your job title
"I encourage people not to be ambiguous with the title, explains Wong. "So really spell out what they do. Remember: different job titles mean different things in different companies, so also take time to explain a bit about what you do in the body of your profile. "We want particulars, she says. "For example, don't be ambiguous and say something like a start-up guru.'

Yes, the profile picture really does matter
"Having a headshot there is immensely helpful for some context of who you're speaking with, says Wong. However, avoid what she calls "dodgy headshots'. "Someone biting into a burger or any sort of pictures where someone's got their arm around you and you've cut that picture offit's not quite appropriate.

Take the time to set up your profile properly
Wong says it's important to take time to fill out each field. "Have a summary of yourself, your background, your education background, or your career journey and what your aspirations are, she says of her profile must-haves. "Then going through your career summary, past roles, and what you've done in those roles. Listing volunteer experience or anything else you're passionate about is a big bonus.

Give as much detail as possible
Wong says the number one pitfall on the platform is candidates who simply don't go into enough detail. "Just some dates of when you worked and your job title is not going to cut it. I don't have enough information of what it is that you do, she explains. Having said that, it should be shorter than what is on your resume: "It should read like a summarised version.

Work on your endorsements
Once you're all set up, it's time to nominate your top 10 key skill areas and then ask people you've worked with to endorse you for those skills. "Recommendations from people you've worked with always helpspast employers or any colleagues that you've worked with. This step is vital. Wong explains recruiters use these skills as key words when they search for possible candidates on the platform.

Reach out to people
LinkedIn is also a great way to actively connect with people at organisations you want to work at. "If you want to connect with somebody, don't send a generic, "Hi, I want to connect on your professional network, message, insists Wong. Instead, explain where you've met before or point out a piece of their experience you find interesting. "Have a reason to connect and in appropriate ways, not just a generic message.

If you're actively looking for a role, let LinkedIn know
"You can indicate on LinkedIn that you are Open for Opportunities', which privately flags to recruiters that you may be interested in discussing new job opportunities, says Wong. "You can flag what countries you're interested in working in, what kind of roles potentially as well. That really helps us when we're looking for people, if we know they're more open to having a chat about opportunities. Her other tips include joining groups and participating in groups, as well as making introductions. "If you're not having much luck searching for a role, it's always fine to reach out and say, "Hey I'm looking for roles you might not have anything at the moment but I'm hoping to connect.

Remember, etiquette exists on LinkedIn too
"Keep it professional when posting content or commenting on posts, Wong says when it comes to contacting people on LinkedIn. She adds that keeping in touch is fine, but it goes both ways. "If recruiters chat to you via LinkedIn it's always nice to respond. It's just nice to say, "Maybe not at this time, I think that's quite important as well.