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Ankudi15 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Lol yes only vamps win ...maybe mahira
can kill KB once she turns vamp
MrDarcyfan thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: reshmaruth

Does anyone have barc trp week 34 for all serials? Cannot find it anywhere.

I saw this on another forum. I am on iPad can't make this a live link. But check it out.


QH TRP is now 1.0, and last week it was 1.2. I think the only week it went up since slot change was the last week of Sanam's story. I guess it is early days yet but the TRP has not increased since the new story started. It was the same I think for two weeks and now gone down. So hard to tell if people are going to keep supporting it or not. The competition from that slot is stiff and the other shows on that slot get high TRP. But I remember someone saying SSLK got good TRP in this slot. That show Prathiba was getting slightly less TRP than this when it went off air. I have not been following QH latley but I hear it has gone full on supernatural. I am sure there is an audience for that, but maybe not enough at this time slot? Also the show has got a lot of backlash for the way they abruplty ended the SAHIL story and the mess that was season 3 and started this new thing. Also even some Season 1 & 2 fans are still peeved with them. (That includes me). So who knows where this is going?
Edited by MrDarcyfan - 9 years ago
latanzia thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
not being negative here but what kind of trp can this show expect with the current crap they are showing,
I glance at QH episode today and i was asking myself W*F am i watching, what is going on here, this show has become a bad Rob Zombie horror flick. Monsters, blood sucking demon, i mean what the hell.

you cannot blame the time slot because SSK and YHM are pulling in decent Trp also other show at this slot is pulling good trp, we also have to remember SSLP was pulling in better trp at this slot, SSLP was on of the show that break DABH controlled of the #1 spot, It was the #1 show over all channel for over two months at this same time slot, so we cannot blame the time change,it is Qh content that is bring this show down, fresh take, where is the fresh take, it is a copy of CW Vampire Diaries, this show has become a joke.

SSK is full of nonsense and illogical track but at the end of it good alway win, not so QH soon it will be kill the lead and the plotting and scheming will begin, same old thing over and over again.
Edited by latanzia - 9 years ago