Celebrity Fan Clubs

~*~ Ekalvya Krishna Tulsi Heaven ~*~

Rhimjhimsawan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 15 years ago


Eklavya Ansh Gautam Virani       

He is Ansh and Shradha's son, but adopted and raised by Gautam and Damini. He is the oldest grandson of Tulsi. Even though he has his dad's face it was always said he has tulsi's adarsh. He fell in love with kt. After he was falsly accused of her rape he turned into a negative character and married kt . Recently he broke his relationship with kt as he thought she was cheating with laksh.

Krishna Tulsi Virani                      

She is an orphan brought up by Tulsi. She is often called the next Tulsi. She fell in love with Laksh. She was raped by Mayank. Now she is married to Eklavya. 


NOTE :: There are still loads of history left. I am working on it.😳 I have little time during the day so I did all this work by staying up very late at night! So enjoy!

----------------Eklavya is tensed and needs a new art director for his upcoming project. Tulsi overhears him talking on the phone and refers Kt saying he has seen her make great rangolis. Eklavya is hesistant as it's a tough job and different than rangolis. Kt gets the jobs and jokes aorund saying if he likes her work she wants a big cheque! She asks when does he want to get started. He tells her in the evening and he will go over the details with her!

---------------- Eklavya and kt tell Tulsi not to worry about what pundit said about upcoming storm on the family.

---------------- Eklavya and kt work while it rains outside. Eklavya tries to tell kt his new idea but kt is too busy sketching and tells him not to disturb her work. Eklavya is nervous. He sees her design and likes it. he leaves to show it to Mihir. In the meantime Laksh comes. Eklavya comes back and asks Laksh to help them. But he leaves saying what's the need for him when 2 excellent people are working. Eku lets her know Mihir loved it and now there is only little bit of formatting left, which he will do. And he thanks her

---------------- Kt lays out all the designs on Eku's room. Eku praises them. Kt drops something and Eku grabs her hand. Eku tells her to sit and offers her his hand and shakes it saying congrats. Then he asks for her other hand and gives her the cheque. Kt doesn't want it as she she did it for her family and asks Eku not to make her paraya. Eku tells her to keep it. As Kt is leaving eku grabs her hand ask so she will work for free everywhere don't let the HRD dept find out. She tells him she doesn't care about anything but this family!

---------------- Bhoomi and Eklavya have a confrontation about disrespecting Tulsi. Bhoomi calls him a orphan who lives on her dad's money. Tulsi and Kt gets mad. Later eklavya is sad and kt goes to talk to him. Eklavya asks if she came to talk abotu work. She says she just came to talk and apologizes for bhoomi. Eklavya asks her not to since bhoomi is right. Kt says he is not an orphan as his dad was a son of the house. But Eku says yes some son who everyone tries to forget. Whenever he mentions him everyone tries to change the subject and he sees fear in their eyes. Some people even dislike him just because he looks like his dad. Kt consoles him saying if he just sees the hatred then he is ignoring all the love and respect everyone else pays him. She reminds him all the other people like him including herself. Maybe no one wants to talk about his dad because it pains them. He agrees and thanks kt.

---------------- Eklavya and kt are working. Eklavya imagines kt. Real kt asks him to sit and work and also asks if he needs anything he says no. He imagines kt again and dances to tumse kahe ya na kahe. Kt asks him soemthing again and his realizes it was his imagination. He asks her didn't she go to make coffee. Kt complains how he didn't say that when she asked if he needed something and she has to do all the work! She leaves being mad. Eklavya wonders what happened

--------------- Kt is in the kitchen cooking and Laksh comes to talk to her. Kt remembers her dish and tries to grab it and burns her hand. Laksh gets upset and tries to put her hand in the water. Eklavya comes and stops him and instead tends her burn with ice. Kt leaves as she has more work and someone calls her. Damini comes and asks for kt. both Laksh and Eklavya say how bechari has so much work. Damini notices the burned dish and eklavya takes the blame saying he did it.

-------------- Kt comes with pooja's thali and laksh and eklavya go to her from 2 different sides of the stairs. Eklavya takes her thaali as she has done all the work and must be tired. After she leaves Laksh tell his in a stern tone to take the thaali away. Eku pulls Laksh's ears and he says he was just joking!

-------------- Eklavya tells his friend on the phone he can't come to the winter ball. Kt questions him and he says he doesn't like parties, specially couples parties. She wonders why laksh went to the party with Sania so she tells Eku she will go with him if he needs a partner.He says no but later he agress and asks her to come she gets happy. Eku calls to let him know he is coming. When his friends asks if he needs partner he says with a smile no he already has one.

---------------- Eku and kt go to the ball. He opens her door and thinks about telling her about his feelings. In the party kt sees laksh and saniya dancing. Later kt and Eku are forced into a slowdance. Eku remembers all the moments they have shared so far!

---------------- Kt has a confrontation with Saniya and bhoomi who insults her. On the other hand Eklavya stands up for joydeep who gets insulted by her friend. Eklavya looks for kt and finds her behind a pillar crying. He asks her if anyone was mean to her. She says no. They talk some more and decide to go home!

---------------- Eku kt sit and talk. Eku says he knows someone misbehaved with her that's why she cried. She tells him it's her fault as she doesn't belong there. Eklavya tells her she is different from every other girl, she is beautiful. After kt leaves eklavya wonders how he never though to fall in love but he did now he should tell her.

-------- The older generation vs new gen play basketball while Kt is the referee. Gautam, Sahil, karan VS eklavya, Laksh, Joy, Nakul! Laksh shows off for kt dribbling around her! Older generation cheats. When eku gets the ball he doesn't shoot as she is staring at kt infront of him!He ends up losing the ball and falling. He calls it cheating and decides not to play anymore!

--------- For Laksh's bday party kt is hurt over Laksh and Saniya! Eku gives her a the mask for the party and asks if the color pink is ok. Kt is it doesn't matter and think how it won't hide her pain. After she leaves Eku also wonder about the mask and how it will hide her beautiful face.

---------- In Laksh's party kt confesses her love to Eklavya by mistake instead of Laksh. When eklavya takes of his mask she shocked and she leaves. Eku thinks how she left before hearing his answer. Which is yes!

----------- While kt cries in her room for laksh (tujhe yaad na meri aayi) Eklavya is outside saying " I love you kt" he wonders if she knows how much he loves her. He also says he can do anything for her. Manthan overhears him from his car and he doesn't believehim. He goes to say something bad about Kt but Eku stops him saying he loves her. Manthan says maybe she is a good girl for him. Eku tells him he loves her, true love!

------------- Eku practices how to propose kt infront of the mirror with a comb in his hand pretending it's a flower. Tulsi comes and he gets embarassed! He tells her he is practicing for a play. Tulsi says he is a bad liar that too infront of his daadi! Tulsi keeps asking but he says no and asks what if the girl says no. tulsi jokes with the way he is proposing she will run away. She tells him to put on a nice perfume then look at her straight in the eyes and propose. Eku tries to say the same lines as her but he makes a fool out of himself. He tells tulsi to go as he has to practice. Tulsi says she will wait for her daughter in law!

------------- Eklavya finds an upset kt who is mean to him but gives him a hint of some problem with laksh!

-------------- Eklavya fixes the problem between laksh and Kt. he places Kt's hand in laksh's as they admit their love! Eklavya gets heartbroken.

-------------Eklavya goes devdas with kt's jhumka (which she dropped) in his hand. he remember all their times together. he gives kt the jhumka!

----------- Eku comes home drunk where tulsi is waiting for him and his ladylove for candlelight dinner. She asks for her bahu. Eku says how she fell for his joke. She tells him she is his daadi. She knows him. Eklavya says it was all just his imagination. Eku tells her he is deeply hurt then wipes his tears and goes to his room!

----------- Eklavya is literally hardbroken and can't fall asleep. Tulsi comes and he tells her for the 1st time he loved someone and asked god for soemthing. But he is heartbroken. He asks her why did his heart have to break and tells her he can't fall asleep. He puts his hand down on Tulsi's lap while she pats his head and sings him a lullaby. Eklavya falls asleep!

------------- Eklavya dreams about kt who runs to Laksh instead of him. He wakes up from the dream to find her in his room with tea. She thanks him for making it possible for Laksh and kt. She also says sorry for her previous rude behavior. He says she never broke his heart and he is fines. He forgives her! Later he wishes how that all these are a bad dream and wishes she loved him!

------------ Everyone plays antakshari while laksh and kt sing their love songs. Eku passes his turn and gets very sad seeing Laksh and Kt.

------------- In the party Kt sees eklavya standing all by himself looking sad she asks him what's wrong. Eku says nothing but Laksh says he knows. He tells them eku wants kt. They are shocked laksh corrects himself saying Eku wants someone like kt.

------------- After Eku finds out Tulsi killed his father and bhoomi asks him for fogiveness a hurt eklavya decides to leave everything and go back to delhi. Later Bhoomi goes to him again asking how his loving daadi killed their father. Kt comes to ask for Tulsi. Bhoomi announces how she is a murdere. Eku is hurt more. He picks up his bag to leave, kt stops him by his arm but he leaves.

------------- Eku gets upset seeing laksh and kt in a embrace in the kitchen. He turns around suffering in his pain. Kt sees him and calls his name he leaves! tulsi tries to talk to him but he doesn;t want to hear anything. he doesn;t have any questions to ask or anything. He talks about his only dream that is to know his father. Now he found out he was killed by his own grandmother. He tells her he always prayed that everyone gets a mother like Tulsi but today he prays no one gets a mother like her. Kt and Laksh get upset asking Eku if he knows what he is saying. Eku says he has no mother or a father. he is an orphan just like his dad. his dad lost everything because of his love. They are both cursed in love. After he leaves Laksh and kt wonder who he loved. tulsi doesn't want history to repeat again. Kt vows to get Eklavya his love as he did a lot for her.

------------- Eklavya talks about his fate in love while looking at kt's picture. How he lost his love just like his dad but he lost it before even getting her. He burns her picture but stops it. He wraps it in a letter and puts it away. which kt later finds. though she cant see the picture as Manthan stops her . She tells him she will never let him play with Eklavya's life. She goes to Laksh's room and tells him about finding Eku's love letters he never posted. Mihir interrupt so she gives it to Laksh. She says to herself that eklavya got her love now she will get him his love.

------------- Laksh read the letter and the poems on back of picture. he finds out it's kt. Kt calls to ask him who is the girl but the line is bad so she tells him that bring th girl and he will bring Eku. She goes and announces to tulsi how she will save Eku! now he won't be bad. he gave her Laksh so she will get him his love.

----------- Kt takes Eku to meet laksh. Eku is confused. Laksh comes but doesn't say anything. kt tries to look at the envelope while Eku tries to snatch it. But kt sees it anyways. She asks why are her pictures there then goes hysterical. Eklavya says he didn;t know! he didn't know laksh and kt loved each other. If he knew he would never do this. But when he found out he decided he will never come between them. He tells laksh he is his brother and he loves him. he will never do that to him. he leaves.

------------ Eklavya goes to the beach . he talks about how eklavya and kt sound so nice together but they will never be together. He throws the earrings he made for kt away. He imagines kt coming to him who talks about how he never gave the earrings and she even wore her payal since he loves the sound. Eklavya announces he hates loving her.

------------- Kt asks eklavya why she never told him he loves her. Eklavya says when he wanted to tell her he could then he never got the chance. He tells her how he is cursed just like his dad. he doesn;t blame him as he understand the pain of unrequited love. Kt tells him maybe they will never have love as a relationship but they are friends. And she can't leave him. Eklavya tells her his life is like the sea. All his feelings, emotions everything is drowning in this sorrow. he asks her why didn;t she stop him from loving her so much. But he says it's ok. All that matters is she is happy. he loves her and he will never wish ill of her, or hurt her.

------------- Tulsi who found out Eklavya loves kt by reading his diary asks kt to marry him. She tells him how eklavya is shy so she never got to tell her. he even practiced infront of the mirror. Later kt has nightmare she accepted tulsi's proposal. She prays to god as she is between Tulsi who loved her all her life and her love Laksh who she can't the rest of her life without.

------------ Bhoomi shoots Tulsi but Eklavya comes in between to save her. Kater on kt asks him if he needs a ny help and he says he doesn't want her pity and leaves. Kt tells Laksh she will marry Eku before the party.

------------In the party Kt tells tulsi she will marry Eklavya. tulsi tells eklavya Mihir overhears and and announces it. he puts kt's hand in Eku's and gives them his blessing. everyone is happy and they all sing and dance. Eku pulls kt aside to ask her what's going on as he knows this can't happen. Mihir comes and say he has to leave for a meeting as the flight to banglore have been canceled so he will need to take the train. Mihir tells him to leave immideatly and talk to kt later. Eku tells kt he doesn't have time now as he has to leave but before he comes back she needs to tell everyone that she loves laksh.

------------- Everyone asks Tulsi if she is repeating the same mistake she made 20 yrs ago. ( by getting overlooking KN's love and getting Nandini married to Ansh) Tulsi says Eku is not Ansh.

-------------Kt is sad. It's her engagement day. Nakul yells at kt for breaking his brothers heart. He accuses her of leaving laksh because Eklavya has more money.

------------ Eklavya is coming home. he thinks he can't let this happen. he knows what it feels like to lose love. And he won't let kt lose laksh.

------------ Ekalvya comes home to find his engagement. Kt and Eku are brought together, he looks at kt for answers but there are none. Right when he is about to put the ring on her tulsi stops the engagement as she found out laksh and kt love each other. and she won't repeat the same mistake. Eklavya is shocked. He gets mad. He wants to know why Kt did this to him. As she had time to think and let everyone know her decision. Why did she go and embarass him. And what was the reason to play with his emotions and his family's emotions. he doesn't want to talk to her or see her face anymore. He says he will take revenge.

------------ After Eku's engagement break, Mihir decides to go ahead with LKT engagement. After engagement they bring the cake. As laksh is going to cut the cake Daksha chachi says why is rajpal yadav taking suniel shetty's place. the cake has eklavya's name on it then why should Laksh cut it. Eklavya comes and takes the knife, he messes with the cake wiping his name of. Then he tells Laksh now his name is gone he can cut the cake.

----------- Manthan tells Eklavya his bhashan. How I told you bhai that middle class girl is not right for you. lookw hat she did. He insults kt more while eklavya keeps telling him to leave him alone. Manthan insults kt more and calls her sick Eklavya slaps Manthan! Manthan bleeds and say he could hit him too but he won't as the slap proves he still loves kt. Later bhoomi does the same thing. She goes with I am happy you are free of kt. I don't want to see my brother anywhere near that girl. She offers him a drink and she goes on about how kt made a tamasha of him. Eku goes to hit her but stops. He leaves. Later he is punchign the punching bag. Daksha chachi comes says for her Eku and international lux (laksh) are the same statue.( her funny gujrati english) Eku corrects her as it's status.. Eku asks her to go away too. But she says she has seen a girl for him. She won miss junaagarh 3 time and works at madanlal chidwawala shop. She say he will get discount by marrying her. Eku says he is not interested and asks her to leave. She says she will bring him juice to cool him down.

------------ Eklavya gets mad by seeing laksh and kt moments. Kt has some problems as someone is bothering her. One time her room is messed up and she sees someone runaway. She thinks it's Eku. Someone throws a stone in her room and again she thinks it's Eku. She confronts him as everytime something happens he is always around.. He gets mad and loses his temper saying if he wanted to mess with her he could've done more. He didn't do any such thing. Tulsi agrees that Eku wouldn't do those.

-------------- Daksha chachi talks to miss junaagarh on the phone! She says how there is a devdas in the house whose paro just left him. And she can become his chandramukhi! She calls eku to talk to her. Eku says he is not interested and doesn't take free stuff.

------------- It's holi and Manthan and Bhoomi are looking over everything and making sure everything is done. Mayank also wants to party and bhoomi and manthan get really irritated and tell him to go to the oldies. Kt says Mayank will stay with them as he is part of the parivaar and it's his right! Bhoomi and Manthan insult kt asking who is she? the servant and the housekeeper. Eklavya comes and glares at Bhoomi and manthan. He tells them mayank is his brother and he will stay!

----------- In the holi kt bumps into Eklavya with the color thali and color goes all over him. Kt and Laksh apologize and Eku says whoever is wrong will be punished soon.

---------- Kt drinks the drink manthan mixed the drowsy pill in. She gets raped. She gets scared seeing Eku. Who is concerned yet confused by her behavior.

---------- During one of the pre wedding ceremonies, all males put their rings in a bowl to see if kt can pick out Laksh's. She finds a ring without stone. The stone she found in her room.

---------- Eklavya has to go to work but Baa stops him as it's the day of eclipse and he should stay with famnily. He protests but then then sweetly obliges. Laksh asks him for help. he wants to find kt's rapist and he knows before all this happened he was kt's best friend. Eklavya agress as this is the 1st time his brother asked him for soemthing. Kt does the pooja with Laksh and eku by her sides. She prays to god that she will remember her rapist's face. She bumps into Eku and remembers eku picking up a unconscious kt.

---------- Kt remembers her rapist was wearing a muffler and it's eku's everything comes flashing back. she goes down and points fingers at Eku saying he raped her. he is shocked. he asks her if she knows what he is saying. Damini says eku would never do such a thing. everyone asks if she lost her mind. She accuses him and why did he do that to her? just because he didn't get her. Eku shakes kt saying he loves her he would never do such a thing. Nandini comes and slaps Eklavya. She says he is just like Ansh. She knew it the day she saw him. She hates Ansh and she hates Eku too! Eku lashes out on nandini. Kt tells him she can't believe he is the son who everyone worships in this house. She thought of him as a best friend. No one believes her as Eku would never do this. Bhoomi asks for proof. Kt ask was it Eku who carried her to her room during holi. Eku says yes but he didn't rape her. Kt accuses him more by grabbing his collar. Eklavya says he hates her.

----------- Eklavya burns kt's pictures and laksh comes fights with eku. Eklavya says he is misunderstanding everything. Laksh keeps saying how he did this to his kt. He hits him. Nakul comes and says laksh is not alone. As he has his brothers back. He goes to hit Eku but Manthan (my sexy sexy yummy hero) comes and holds his hand. Asking who does the chooz think he is hitting! And then they all fight. joydeep also joins in! Eklavya asks Laksh how could he hit his older brother for kt? Damini gives Eku her kasam that he won't hit laksh. Eku tells Laksh and Nakul they will suffer for this.

----------- Tulsi doesn't believe Eku would do such a thing. He is purer than gangajaal! More evidence point toward Eklavya. Tulsi slaps Eku and says how could he? she didn't believe he was like his Father. But she was wrong. She insults him and he is put in jail!

---------- Eku gets bailed by Bhoomi who tries to poison his mind against tulsi and everyone. Eku finally breaks it and makes a mark on his forhead by ashes. (turned bad). Bhoomi and Eku plan to destory Tulsi. Damini finds out it's mayank. She slaps him million times and asks why did he do it. Mayank says how no one loves him (aww poor baby) he talks about how kt loves laksh why cant she love him. She told him she would spend the whole holi day with him but she was with laksh. then Eku bhaiya took her to her room. ( I still don't get how a mentally disabled guy rapes a girl). Damini plants evidence against Manthan. Tulsi thinks it wasn't Eku who raped her it was Manthan.

MORE WILL BE POSTED ( on a time crunch)😳

Edited by Perfangel5655 - 15 years ago


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Rhimjhimsawan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 15 years ago
~ A Huge huge thanks to yuks 🤗 ~








More will be posted later!
Thank you😳

Edited by Perfangel5655 - 15 years ago
Rhimjhimsawan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 15 years ago








sweet cherry









Star Diva

I killedsandy
Edited by Perfangel5655 - 15 years ago
rajkin thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
The addiction formally begins
matwamango thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 15 years ago
EKU Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. 4ever 4ever 4ever
matwamango thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 15 years ago
I feel i need to write an  FF on this jodi maybe even get Ranbir's character involved as the hate guru
FF-Luv U Hamesha -That sounds like a good title. Fatima jaan i want U 2 write one. Show everyone your talents and make Eku shine as U R very creative
Edited by matwamango - 15 years ago
Rhimjhimsawan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 15 years ago

I can't wait. I really want to write one but this time is killing me!!! I wish there were more than 24 hours a day!

Edited by Perfangel5655 - 15 years ago
unpredictable91 thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

thanku for making one

it was needed
rajkin thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
  ya a day should at least be three days long
 one to do what u r expected to do
one to do what u want to do
 and one to do all the extra incomplete things u wanna true

lets send a petition to time god for this.