Originally posted by: pomegranate
how is that even relevent to the case? she is trying to prove asad/haider are not terrorist, what role will broad play?
Originally posted by: pomegranate
how is that even relevent to the case? she is trying to prove asad/haider are not terrorist, what role will broad play?
Originally posted by: viji2111
how can Allan be helpful in identifying terrorist. I mean there are lots of people helping terrorist without being identified just like that salesman who helped arvind.
I don't think their system is so transparent that everyone knows everyone.
did any banner contest happen?
Originally posted by: Soapoperasrfun
Viji, first because he was introduced as a character, he has a role to play in what happens hereafter.Secondly, Manohar, Jai and Suhasini's involvement has to be brought forwardThirdly, in all probability Allen funded the attacks. If nothing, he is a better lead than anyone else to track who may have had a role to play.
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