Kangana sells her demolished bungalow for 40 Crore? - Page 2


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Frequent Posters

1285102 thumbnail
Posted: 3 months ago


and this couldn’t have happened a nicer person smiley20

1285102 thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

Wait is this the same infamous property which was demolished back in 2020?

Edited by Surly_Devil - 2 months ago
oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

I am surprised Zee isn't producing it. They have been involved in almost all big nationalist projects since Uri, like TKF, Vaccine War, Sam Bahadur, Veer Savarkar🤔

Also, isn't 40 crores kinda less for a project that involves a lot of VFX (on faces and sets) or am I overestimating the industry 😅

oyebollywood thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: oh_nakhrewaali

I am surprised Zee isn't producing it. They have been involved in almost all big nationalist projects since Uri, like TKF, Vaccine War, Sam Bahadur, Veer Savarkar🤔

Also, isn't 40 crores kinda less for a project that involves a lot of VFX (on faces and sets) or am I overestimating the industry 😅

Zee studios presents emergency

oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: oyebollywood

Zee studios presents emergency

I read somewhere it wasn't, which was surprising. Ig misinformation 😅
