Paparazzo reveals None of the big stars call paps and Ambanis - Page 2


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oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 4 months ago

Ambani has news channels to promote his son's weddings, he doesn't need paparazzi 😅

Edited by oh_nakhrewaali - 4 months ago
Bekind thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 4 months ago

Originally posted by: Daebak

This guy is full of BS. He said once while following Taimur on a bike he saw 40-50 more people doing the same and was wondering where they came from.

The same place where you came from Varinder. Or did you think you had exclusive rights to follow celebssmiley6

Doing the same thing and calling out others for itsmiley11

Now he is trying to change the narrative to say stars don't call paps. I can believe SRK, Salman don't, but surely the new age ones do.

agree 👍

Jhanvi and Ananya most definitely do. Why is he even talking about it? Looks like someone paid him to say itsmiley36

Billi_Bangalan thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 4 months ago

Are we so stupid we will believe all this smiley36
