Siddhanth Kapoor detained by Police for allegedly consuming drugs - Page 19


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1194442 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: DetachednNumb

You do realise how small of a sample size that is for you to draw conclusions about India's youth? You are quite literally equating the SoBo kinda kids who go for masters' in the US to the entirely of young population in India lmao. Masters in US is a lot expensive compared to Europe and mostly affluent kids (read: spoilt rich SoBo) go for them. They are accustomed to a certain kind of life which they continue to lead wherever they go. The rest scrape through to masters abroad either on scholarships or hefty loans taken back home. And they don't have the time or the resources to indulge in consumption of drugs. The ground reality is far different than what IF or a sub section of youths you hung out with would have you believe. While you're out here asking others to not to generalize opinions as an ABCD, you're doing the same with limited info.

I'm aware that the SoBo kids don't represent all of India. That was just an anecdotal something I shared firstly to say that Indians not a monolith and secondly, cuz I thought Nimbu was knocking American youths. She already clarified her stance that she only meant it in the context of drugs.

Now, there are no stats to go with that claim, and it's a topic I haven't looked up in detail, so I remain skeptical there. But I've said most of what I had to say on this topic and really cannot keep up with this debate anymore.

Posted: 2 years ago

Just learned yesterday that Shakti Kapoor is a BJP wonder his sunny boy was in and out in a jiffy😆....

MostlyHarmIess thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: iBleedPink

I'm aware that the SoBo kids don't represent all of India. That was just an anecdotal something I shared firstly to say that Indians not a monolith and secondly, cuz I thought Nimbu was knocking American youths. She already clarified her stance that she only meant it in the context of drugs.

Now, there are no stats to go with that claim, and it's a topic I haven't looked up in detail, so I remain skeptical there. But I've said most of what I had to say on this topic and really cannot keep up with this debate anymore.

SoBo kids aren't the only ones who go for Masters in US. Engineering schools in the States are filled with small town B.Tech kids. Most of them lower middle class. And if people think those kids have never seen a joint or a pill before, I don't know what to tell them.
1123225 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: semantic.error

SoBo kids aren't the only ones who go for Masters in US. Engineering schools in the States are filled with small town B.Tech kids. Most of them lower middle class. And if people think those kids have never seen a joint or a pill before, I don't know what to tell them.

That's what I was thinking. Most who go to the U.S. for masters are not rich. Regular middle class people send their kids to the U.S. on loans. I don't know if it's common, but I've heard them referred to as PIGS, or Poor Indian Graduate Students, by 2nd gen Indians. FOB is a fairly common epithet of course.

And smoking pot is as common among them as among the rich.

Edited by HearMeRoar - 2 years ago