Here's How Aishwarya Sakhuja Manifested Her Next Big Work Project!

The actress, has taken up theatre, an art form that she has wanted to explore for a while now. Read on to know more.

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Aishwarya Sakhuja might be missing from your television screens but she is busy working. The actress, has taken up theatre, an art form that she has wanted to explore for a while now. And luckily for Aishwarya, she manifested her work project and got it too. Aishwarya had manifested her wish to perform theatre plays and voila, the universe presented her with the opportunity. She says, "Its my morning routine that I do everyday. I randomly pick an affirmation from a book and just that morning, I picked  -How will the universe know your plans if you don't whisper them into it's ears?" 

She adds, "I'd been wanting to explore this medium for a while now. I was at a college event as a judge when I met Mr Om Katare who is a name to reckon with in the theatre circuit. We got talking and I expressed my wish to  do plays. A few weeks later I got a call from Mr Katare. We met, he narrated the plot and I jumped at the opportunity," Aishwarya revealed. Named Perfect Family, the plot of the play sees the story of Aarti, a bubbly and chirpy housewife whose husband is the exact opposite of her. Belonging to a thought process where he believes that there is only one specific way of running a household, the play sees the pair get into a constant state of tu-tu-main-main over how to run the house. 

5 shows in, Aishwarya has been revelling in the applause that has followed. "It is nerve-wracking, having to perform in front of a live audience where there are no do-overs. If you've goofed up your lines, there is no coming back from it. So in a situation like that, when people in the audience are clapping, hooting and cheering for you and praising you for a dialogue or a scene, it is just the boost that a performer needs. And that happened to me where two ladies were cheering me on loudly, talking about how relatable I was to them. So it all worked out for me," she concludes.