Celebrities share the sayings they abide by in life, and why

talk about the saying they believe in and follow as life is what you make out of it. Read on: Read on to know more.

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Life is a story made of happy and sad surprises, but that does not mean every time you face a hurdle, you would lose hope. As they say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonades, and move on. Staying put, believing in yourself, doing what is right and never letting negativity bog you down is the mantra, says celebrities. They also talk about the saying they believe in and follow as life is what you make out of it. Read on:


 Ranaksh Rana

Be sorted, be you, is my favourite saying and I totally believe in it.


Perneet Chauhan

I practice Buddhism and there is one guidance I love to remind myself, that ‘Winter always turns to spring’. So always keep the hope in your heart burning through tough times because nothing is permanent in life, not even bad times.


 Reyen Eyes

I believe that ‘actions speak louder than words’. When I am working on a new album or a project, I lose contact with almost everyone for the period. But when the work comes out it feels like we never were disconnected. Nothing really changed but got better, time passed but the bond and understanding still became better. It speaks for the things that look like I might have missed. And the way it comes out, it is even stronger than an explanation with words. That satisfies the whole thing of actions being louder than words.


 Saanand Verma

Never stop learning because life never stops teaching is my favourite saying. I have always believed in it. I have always lived like there's no tomorrow and actually, I have done my graduation through a correspondence course from Delhi University and I have been fortunate enough to hold very senior positions in big corporations and even in journalism, so it happened because I constantly learned from life. This is very important for everyone to understand that learning is everything. I'm not a trained actor but I have learned from my observations of life.


Aman Maheshwari

Well, ‘every moment is a fresh beginning’ because life shows you so many ups and downs. If you just think that this is the end and nothing is going to change then absolutely nothing is going to change because I strongly believe in the power of manifestation. You think what you become, you become what you eat, and the same thing happens with the thought process. You never know, if one door is closing, another door is getting opened just for your own good. And things which don't happen, they're not meant to happen, they are supposed to be like that as the universe wants it that way. Also, our elders always say that, ‘Har cheez mein koi acchai chupi hoti hai’ and ‘Jo hota hai acche ke liye hota hai’.  The same goes for everything.

Harshali Zine

There are many quotes and sayings by great philosophers that I live by but if I have to choose one now then it would be this quote by Jiddu Krishnamurti, ‘Freedom from the Known is death and then we are living’. I love it because the known are just ideas or concepts in our minds which are mostly instilled in us by society and reality is far from these man-made concepts. The philosopher says it all in just one statement that one has to die to the known (fed ideas or concepts) and only then one truly gets to see how broad the spectrum of life is. To get to the core of reality which is encoded in our DNA, one has to free themselves from conditioned programming. To explore life to its fullest one has to go past the comfort, the safety, the fear and embrace the unknown. I connect with this quote as all my life I've lived as a free critical thinker going against the tide and believe me the truth sets you free. Usually, free thinkers are called rebels and I proudly own this badge as I refuse to blindly follow what's been told and give up my power of free will and be controlled by society.

Kiran Raj 

We middle class people lack opportunities, but when given , the world gets a new admiring talent. Actually I’m already working on it and have achieved quite a bit step by step with the help of my foundation ( Kiran Foundation ) and my clothing brand ( King’s Rampage ) for the education of underprivileged kids. I feel people who don’t have the opportunity should help and try to give them one in my capacity, and this is not only for 2022 but I would like to make this a lifetime habit. A small initiative to help the needy. I believe we need to pass on the good to society that we get to have a balanced  and content life.

Zohaeb Farooqui

Practice and patience are the keys. Our industry is one hell of a roller-coaster ride, so we need to handle everything with patience, so just practice staying calm yet alert.

Salim Diwan

My favourite quote is never stop learning because life never stops teaching. This saying has a deeper meaning in my life, today when I look back and see how far I have come it really means a lot to me. There are still new things that I get to learn every day. It is about my work, it is about my personal matters or whatsoever I keep learning things from life. I think life shows its different faces at different times and we have to stay strong to absorb everything. Learning things will never end, but when we learn things from life it always leaves an impact on us, and helps us grow into a better person.

Ajay Singh Chaudhary 

We should not think much in life. We should not plan much. We are not looking at our today in the process of planning ahead. So I think we should learn to live each and every moment.  We should keep learning new things. I think over-thinking is not the solution. We should live each and every moment thinking that it's the last moment of your life.