Bhaag Beanie Bhaag: Swara Bhasker successfully keeps you from running away from clicking next

Bhaag Beanie Bhaag released on Netflix today and well, the mini-series is quite the wave of freshness that you could use for a light-weekend watch. Read on to know more.

- By "Sanchita Jhunjhunwala"
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Bhaag Beanie Bhaag is no The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and I can say so because this has been hand made for Indian audiences. Swara Bhasker plays the role of Beanie Bhatnagar, and while she is stuck with a job after doing her MBA, her heart lies at stand-up comedy, and she is good at it. However, just when she decides to take it seriously, she gets proposed by her boyfriend of 3 years, but that's when she becomes Triple B (you'll know it when you watch it)! Everything that follows later is life!

From the very beginning of the show, you are made to feel that this is going to be much like any other run of the mill show, however, it is that, but also a lot more. However, the reason it makes me feel that is because of just how relatable are the problems, the struggles, and everything by and large.

Beanie has a best friend Kapi (an amazing Dolly Singh), typical middle-class parents played by Girish Kulkarni and Mona Ambegaonkar, a boyfriend turned fiance turned ex Arun (Varun Thakur), and possible love interest, Ravi (Ravi Patel). With a handful of actors taking on the pivotal cast, there is never a dull moment throughout the mini-series that lasts for 6 episodes. There are also short cameos from Kaneez Surka and Ashish Shakya that obviously don't go unnoticed.

Something that hits all the right chords is just how everything is so complicated for Beanie and yet, so simple. Another aspect of the show, which though brief, but is something that catches upon with us is the entire bit about therapy and how the parents take it so sportingly, trying to keep an open mind, even if it is for various reasons. 

Girish and Mona as the parents are a perfect fit, and they play their parts well. Varun and Dolly are sweet surprises in the film as they manage to pull off great acting stints, and eventually, become likable as well. Ravi makes for a fair addition, however, he doesn't create an impact for someone who does play a character that is crucial to the story. And finally, Swara is a delight to watch, easy like a breeze, not going OTT, and most importantly, the sense of natural viewing that was kept intact throughout is a highlight!

Interestingly, in not a lot of words, the show also does speak so much about women - their insecurities, the struggles, and just how much supportive parents can turn things around. The show makes for a great binge, and through light-hearted moments, it does manage to give away some lessons and learnings that stay, along with a sweet smile!

Ratings: ***1/2 stars (3/5)