Chapter One

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"That Is Not All, Lallā Jī"

Chapter One

"That is not all, Lallā jī. Do you even know how much money Chaudhary Sweets has saved over the past three years, just because I used aluminium varaḳa instead of silver?" Sonali argued. "Do you know how much real silver costs? Moreover, nobody even noticed the difference, except that new chef of yours. What is her name, Lallā jī?"

"Imlie," Agastya replied. "I threw money at her to keep her mouth shut, of course, but Dīdī, your days as Managing Director are over. As soon as I come home from my date tonight, I am going to tell Dādī Ammā everything."

"Your date with whom, Lallā jī?" Sonali inquired.

"Her name is Vishwa Jyoti. She's a friend of Jugnu's. The blind date was Jugnu's idea."

"Does Dādī Ammā know that you go on dates? Does she approve?" Sonali smirked.

"She will approve when I convince Manno Buā to go on a double date someday," Agastya predicted. "Dīdī, everyone's arranged marriage isn't as happy as you and Jījā jī. I'll never be like those disappointed men who go to cheap bars to ogle fallen women. Whomever I marry, I will know exactly what I'm getting. I am going on this date with Vishwa Jyoti, Dīdī. That's all!"

"That is not all, Lallā jī. ..."

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