Chapter 5

Cogito_Ergo_Sum Thumbnail




Hello my Very Dear Fellow SwaSanians Hug

I am back with Epilogue 1 of this completed 5 Shot. When I conceived this initially, I thought of making it a brief epilogue...but you know my SwaSan mania. Embarrassed 
Day Dreaming It grew into a moderate sized chapter in its own right. Smile

This covers the events of the weeks following that eventful July in Maheshwari House. Since our Golden couple haven't yet gone for their honeymoon, I decided to give them the opportunity here. Embarrassed Plus, it also deals with if, when and to what extent Sanskaar's memories of those missing 15 months return...and if so, what might be the trigger.

As always, please do let me know what you felt. I cherish your feedback; your comments and likes let me know how I'm doing with the direction of the story, and motivate me to keep writing on SwaSan.

I do intend one more epilogue, set a few months thence. Please give me some time for that though, as I am caught in a whirlwind of commitments till 14th July, plus I am feeling rather emotional now, after completing the 5 chapters and this epilogue. Embarrassed

Loads of Love,



SwaSan Honeymoon---The Tango in Thailand Embarrassed Day Dreaming

"O happy hours when I may once more encircle within these arms the dearest object of my love-- when I shall again feel the pressure of that lovely head, which will delight to recline upon my bosom; when I may again press to my heart which palpitates with the purest affection, that loved one who has so long claimed its undivided devotion." -----a slightly modified version, of a quote by Alexander Hamilton Rice

"I cannot exist without you. I am forgetful of everything but seeing you again. My life seems to stop there, I see no further. You have absorb'd me. I have a sensation at the present moment as though I were dissolving...I could die for you. My creed is love, and you are its only tenet. You have ravish'd me away by a power I cannot resist."--  Extract from a letter written by John Keats


The next few weeks following that eventful, momentous July of 2016, were ones of healing and recuperation in Maheshwari House. Sanskaar still had bouts of intense remorse, of almost physical waves of anguish and self loathing, over his amnesia-driven plotting of recent weeks. Swara stood steadfast by his side, reminding him constantly that even the last time he had come back home, bitterly scheming his vengeance, he had stayed his hand before it was too late. She kept telling him how he had leaped to her defense when no one else had believed in her, and had become her pillar of support. How he had been her anchor as well as ballast, her shield as well as sword; when her own family had cast her aside and branded her a liar.

Sanskaar, with all his inherent sincerity and integrity, realized that simply brooding over his wrongdoing would serve no useful purpose. Rolling in the muck was hardly the best way of getting clean. Chronic remorse would ultimately serve no useful purpose, merely leading to a defensiveness, destructive to communication. It was far, far, better, Sanskaar knew, to make sincere amends, to the very best of his considerable ability.

And so, when Lucky had asked his Bhai for his support and guidance for the challenging Thai Infrastructure project--which was rapidly growing ever more sizable by the day---Sanskaar poured into it, his immense dedication, grit and resolve. It would be no exaggeration to say that he devoted his blood, toil, sweat and tears to this project, much as he had done for Karma and SK, in those blighted years of the past----but with a joyful, positive energy this time. Primarily as a result of his unceasing endeavors and his brilliant negotiating skills, Sanskaar got their firm awarded further large contracts. These being a sizable part of the additional 468 Billion Thai Baht infrastructure project, covering the northern city of Chiang Mai, as well as
Nong Khai, on the Thai-Laos border; apart from Bangkok itself.

The induction of the Oswals as junior partners to the Maheshwaris in these projects, proved to be a sound as well as lucrative decision. With the attendant availability of surplus funding, Maheshwari, Karma and Sons was able to take on an even more ambitious role in the Thai Government infrastructure projects, than they otherwise would have been able to. Sanskaar sometimes shook his head a tad ruefully, a wry grin animating his sculpted lips. That high stakes chess game Ragini had played with him, had yielded beneficial results, after all! Sanskaar knew that it might probably take a little time, before Ragini and he could completely be at ease around each other, given what had happened. But there was immense respect and admiration there, a very real sense that they were allies. Sanskaar was happy that they were now evidently on the same side, combining their formidable intellects, wiles and guile for good.

Swara had light heartedly taken Ragini to task, for her white lie regarding Sanskaar's supposed "advice" to her, relating to her fake pregnancy. And both girls had ended up weeping freely by the time the conversation ended, embracing each other tight as their combined tears washed away the knot of wariness that had remained between them, over the convoluted events of the year past. Ragini had sobbed, explaining that she had so desperately wanted to prevent Sanskaar from inadvertently hurting Swara, and thereby grievously gouging his own heart, in his vindictive quest to bring down the family. Ragini confessed that she could perhaps never fully forgive herself for all the harm she had caused Swara and Sanskaar, but with this step, she had hoped to atone a little more, expiate to what extent she could, for her sins. While Swara had already forgiven her a long time ago, this conversation, the knowledge that Ragini had watched out for her so intensely; effectively washed away the small air of reserve that had remained in a corner of Swara's mind.

As the weeks passed, Sanskaar and Lakshya had had to make occasional visits to Thailand to oversee the execution of their projects. Neither having had the opportunity to go for their honeymoon so far, Sanskaar suggested that they take Swara and Ragini along, the next time they had to go. And so it was, that the youngest quartet of the Maheshwari--Gadodia families, finally got their long overdue trip, when they visited Thailand towards the end of 2016.

Sanskaar, meticulous in planning as ever, had worked the schedule such that the four of them would tour Bangkok together, and take in the sights there. And then, the couples would split, Sanskaar taking Swara to Koh Samui, on the south east coast, overlooking the Gulf of Thailand. Lakshya and Ragini would head for Krabi, on the opposite side of the coast, facing the Andaman sea.

While in Bangkok, the two couples had had a blast, the girls shopping to their hearts content in the upscale malls and exclusive boutiques on Sukhumvit road; the husbands looking on, part bemused, part indulgent, part impatient, and part bored out of their wits!  Of course, the fact that their wives were also shopping for them, helped to keep the impatience and frustration in check! They had also spent hours in the huge aquarium at the Siam Paragon Mall, one of Asia's largest and most impressive.

The four had visited the Wat Pho, The Temple of The Reclining Buddha, one of the most extensive and oldest temples in Bangkok. They had stood, reverently spellbound before the idol,
which at 15 m high and 46 m long, was one of the largest Buddha statues in Thailand.

They had also visited the extensive Grand Palace grounds, housing a complex of majestic and ornate buildings. The most spellbinding amongst these being the exquisite Wat Phra Kaew chapel, considered the most sacred Buddhist temple in Thailand, housing the
famed Emerald Buddha. This was the 26 inch tall figurine of the meditating Buddha, carved from a single jade stone and cloaked in a shawl and robe of gold.

The wonderful, cheery time they had together in Bangkok notwithstanding, it must be admitted Sanskaar was quite content and blissfully happy having Swara to himself, as they landed in Koh Samui and proceeded to their resort. He had booked a luxury beach front villa, in their exclusive resort near Choeng Mon. Being on the far north east of the island, these beaches were secluded, pristine and incredibly beautiful.
It was a scene straight out of a tropical island paradise movie---fine, powder soft white sands and crystal clear waters, bordered by nodding coconut trees to one side and lapped by the beautiful Gulf of Thailand to the other.

The range of colors blanketing them was breathtaking---the clear azure, turquoise and aquamarine of the sea setting off the gleaming white of the sandy beach; the verdant green of the palm groves standing below the deep cerulean and periwinkle of the sky. There was even a strip or two of  powder blue and cyan at the horizon.

The minute they checked in, Sanskaar had checked out their villa with a most purposeful, simmering gleam in his eye. He then proceeded to take great delight in laying out certain plans to his delectably blushing wife. The villa having its own exclusive stretch of private beach in the sheltered cove, the other villas being tucked well out of sight a couple of hundred meters or so around a bend in the beach, he informed Swara that he was SO looking forward to making love uninhibitedly beneath the starry skies, the whistling wind and crash of the surf around them. Swara had giggled and made as if to run away from him, but he caught her nimbly around her waist, and snuggled her body tightly into his frame. He was equal parts feral predator and tender, teasing lover, as he captured the pillowy softness of her lips within his own silkily firm ones. He hadn't finished outlining his plans yet! He laughed, carefully holding his wife close, though by now Swara had dropped even the pretense of trying to flee, from this utterly enchanting experience.

With a knowing wink at Swara, Sanskaar proceeded to inform her gleefully, that their villa had a rather interesting bathroom design. While it was obviously walled to protect privacy, the roof was open to air, the 'rain shower' giving the illusion of bathing outside. Sanskaar now laid down some pretty tantalizing groundrules for the 5 days they were to stay there---showers would be a couple activity. They would stroke and caress each other beneath the steamy streams of water... Sanskaar's by now dreamy outlining of what he had planned, was interrupted in the best possible manner. Swara's lips touched his forehead, his eyes, his nose, his stubbled cheeks, along his firm jawline flitting to the corner of his mouth, teasing him mercilessly, until he gently clasped her head to capture her mouth again with his. She felt his lips smile against hers in satisfaction,
feasting on her mouth, coaxing her pliant lips apart, before his tongue darted into her mouth to entangle with hers.

The next several days in that secluded villa was truly a slice of paradise for Sanskaar and Swara. While they followed Sanskaar's plan(s) for action! with great abandon, they also took time for the holiday activities Koh Samui was famous for----sea kayaking, snorkeling, para sailing, kite surfing, jet skiing, and going for a romantic swim, in the secluded natural pools of the Na Muang Waterfall.

One evening, after an exciting day filled with activities, they had decided to take a stroll down the sheltered cove their villa overlooked. They walked hand in hand for a long time, their merry conversation echoing into the companionable, comforting silences they had with each other. The best things, after all, are often said without really saying anything at all...

Pristine, powdery soft white sand stretched uncluttered along the private beach, and Sanskaar and Swara delighted in the crunchy feel beneath their bare feet. As they passed the large plumeria tree by their patio, Sanskaar reached out to pluck a couple of the luscious red flowers with orange and yellow streaked centers, and placed them tenderly on his wife's lustrous hair. She loved plumeria, and he loved to see her adorned with them.

The sparkling waters of the gulf lay flat, calm and endless, gleaming in the evening sun; a few stray wisps of fluffy white cumulus clouds were all that interrupted the vast cerulean dome of the heavens above. The honking call of a pair of majestic White Bellied Sea Eagles floated in the air, rising above the rumbling sound of the surf, and the susurration of the wind amid the serrated leaves of the coconut palms. 

The waves broke and spread their waters swiftly over the shore. One after another they massed themselves and fell; the spray tossed itself back with the energy of their fall. The waves were steeped deep-blue save for a pattern of diamond-pointed light on their backs, which rippled as the backs of great horses ripple with muscles as they move. *

After a while, as they sat on the beach, contentedly looking out over the wide expanse of the gulf leading upto the horizon, Swara noticed a pensive, rather wistful expression flit across Sanskaar's expressive face. Immediately, her arm slipped around his broad, muscled shoulder, and she laid her head on the crook of his neck. He did not need words to know that she was asking him what the matter was. He turned his face to gaze down lovingly at her, kissing the top of her head and burying his face in her hair.

"I was just thinking Swara...", he began, his voice a tad forlorn. "I was watching the waves coming in and drawing out again...and noticed that they'd wiped out all the footprints we left on the sand, when we walked up the beach. My memory is a bit like that, isn't it? Try as I might, I haven't been able to remember anything much about our life together, for that missing window of 15 months or so. And that bothers me. A great deal, on occasion." Here he paused, Swara had lifted her head and cupped his face gently between her hands, and Sanskaar now gazed into her eyes pensively. "Doesn't it bother you that I don't remember all those special moments that we shared, the firsts of anything that we had?"

Swara smiled softly, shaking her head. "I hope you will be able to recall those moments, some day, sure. But trust me on this Sanskaar, it doesn't trouble me too much, even in case you aren't able to. We have our entire lives together ahead of us; we will just make new memories, create more precious moments in the days ahead. That's more than enough for me----you fought the very jaws of death to come back to me, what more could I ask for?"

Sanskaar still looked wistful, and Swara couldn't take his mood slipping like this, him holding residual pain, for whatever reason, within him.
" know what I think of our marriage? We need a witness to our lives. There's more than a 7 billion people out there... One might think, what does any one life really mean? But in our marriage, we're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the sublime things, the mundane things...all of it, all of the time, every day. We're saying that our lives will not go unnoticed, because we will notice each other. Our lives will not go un-witnessed, because we shall be each others' witness. Till the time you recollect your memories of those days, just rely on me as your witness, that's all there is to it. I shall tell you everything that happened, in the greatest detail that I can manage. Don't keep trying to chase those precious memories down, Sanskaar...till they come to you on their own, just see them through my eyes..."

Sanskaar gazed down at his wife, a look of such potent adoration, of such blazing worship in his eyes, that Swara blushed to the very roots of her tresses, and burrowed her face into his chest.

Their lovemaking later the night, was tender, slow and sensual, expressing every unspoken word, every emotion between them. Sanskaar
had taken his time worshiping her entire body, like he was a desert traveler quenching his immense thirst. And again, in the wee hours preceding dawn, Swara had awoken to see her husband gazing at her with his mesmerizingly intense, molten chocolate eyes. She had simply lost herself in their swirling depths, reaching hungrily for him, giving herself up abandonedly to their passionate lovemaking. They turned to each other again and again, their bodies meeting and melding together, exploring, caressing and pleasuring each other. But there was more than physical satiation, as it always was with them. Their very hearts and souls intertwined, intermingled; their innermost selves laid bare and their hopes and dreams exposed to the other. 

Sanskaar was the first to wake the next morning; he rolled around, tangling the blanket that cocooned them both, slipping down to his thighs. Neither of them were wearing a thing, and Sanskaar grinned as he remembered why, a melange of seductive images running through his mischievous, amorous mind. Reaching for Swara, he flipped her around to fit her flush against him, noting, as always, how perfectly she fitted into his arms. He nipped lightly at her soft earlobe, before letting his mouth drift to her tender little chin, rasping her rosy cheeks sensuously with his stubble.

Swara moaned; half laugh, half complaint before embracing him tight, snuggling even more into him, as she continued to snooze. He could almost see her melting into him, like she had the night before. Almost like they had absorbed the other right into their bloodstream, like they were the only thing the other felt. A wave of tenderness swept through Sanskaar, as he raised his head above his wife's supine body, stroking her silky hair. Let her sleep, he thought. She was still tired after their workout the night before!

He strode over to their open-to-the-air bathroom, brushed his teeth and splashed some water on himself; before pulling on his board shorts, grabbing a large towel, and heading out to the beach.

The sea seemed a little more animated today, whitecaps dotting the waves as they dashed excitedly towards the shoreline. The pair of Sea Eagles were out early too, diving and swooping amid the breakers. Sanskaar smiled as he shaded his eyes, peering towards the horizon. It looked like a good day for a repeat round of para sailing. As he crossed the front of their patio to enter the soft sands, he passed the plumeria tree, and looked up at the  bunches of luscious, fragrant blossoms that hung overhead. Smiling widely at the thought of surprising Swara as she woke, with a large bouquet of her favorite flowers; Sanskaar reached up to the gnarled, bumpy branch, to pluck some blooms. The solid weight of his muscular arm, resting against the branch inadvertently detached a collection of blossoms, raining them down on his face.

As a flurry of the red blooms cascaded down around him, Sanskaar suddenly stood stock still, a wispy, almost ethereal memory permeating his mind. He closed his eyes tight, heart racing, hands clenched in concentration, as he focused his formidable mind, with every ounce of will he possessed, into crystallizing that tantalizing image. He could see Swara, incandescent with a sublime joy, as a shower of ruby-red rose petals rained down upon her. He could see himself, his face glowing with contented bliss, ruffling his hair with a boyish delight, as he saw the love of his life---the very meaning of his life itself--- so radiantly happy. The sheer magic and poetry of those moments, the emotions they had felt, the loving words they had exchanged, all came rushing back to him, as the floodgates to that corner of his mind, finally opened.

"SWARA!! SWARA!!..."
he called out, almost yelling in his excitement, his overpowering desire to have her by his side, to share this surreal moment with her. He turned around to rush back into the villa to find her, but she had already rushed out, alarmed to hear his voice raised in excitement and emotion. Swara was still knotting her wrap-around sarong round her waist, beneath the tube top she'd hastily pulled on, even as she reached her husband, anxiously asking him what the matter was.

Sanskaar didn't speak a word at first, just grabbed and held her tight, lifting her as he twirled her round and round. His breath shuddered and whooshed in his chest from sheer excitement, as he burrowed his face into the comforting warmth of her bosom. His voice husky and a bit choked from emotion, he exclaimed, "I've started remembering, Swara!! Its slowly started coming back to me now...I just remembered the day I proposed!! It was so wonderful, so magical..."

And looking deep into his wife's eyes, even as she sobbed, half laughing, half crying; he repeated those unforgettable words from all those months ago. "
Main har din ki shuruaat tumhare saath karna chahta hoon, har subah tumhare saath dekhna chahta hoon, tumse ladna chahta hoon, tumhe manana chahta hoon, tumhare saath long drive par jaana chahta hoon. Lekin tumhe bhi mujhse kuch promises karne honge-- ki tum hamari har chhoti se chhoti khushi mere saath chocolate share karke celebrate karogi, hamare kamre me hamesha mere liye notes chodogi, tape recorder me roz apni awaaz record karogi. Main tumhara har sapna poora karna chahta hoon, tumhe har khushi dena chahta hoon, tumhare liye aana wala har ek pal yaadgaar banana chahta hoon, tumhare music school kholne ka sapna poora karna chahta hoon aur apni poori zindagi tumhare saath bitana chahta hoon. Tumhare maa-baba ne toh tumhara haath mujhe de dia, kya tum mera haath hamesha ke liye thamogi?

Swara, kuch log kismet ki tarah hote hain, jo dua se milte hain...
aur kuch log dua ki tarah hote hain, jo kismet badal dete hain...Tum dua se meri kismat ko mili ho...aur main chahta hun ki ye dua meri kismat badal de...kya tum ismein mera saath dogi, Swara?"

They sank to their knees on the soft, powdery sand, embracing each other tight, tears of joy running down both their faces, as Swara whispered in her husband's ear, over and over. "Hamesha...Hamesha..."

All along the pristine, secluded beach, ahead of them and beyond, the waves rumbled and laughed as they rushed to embrace and kiss the sands. Just as they had done for millennia, and would do for millennia more. The boundless spread of the Ocean in front of them, the infinite expanse of the Heavens above, stood witness to the effervescence of a love so pure, so intense and so potent; that it had endured storms again and again, only to get ever stronger with the passage of time.

It is said some lives are linked across time. Connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages. Destiny. **


"Paradise is always where love dwells." - Jean Paul F. Richter

"You're nothing short of my everything."--
Ralph Block


Footnotes and References

1) Sanskaar's thoughts, on the positive response to a feeling of remorse/ guilt, are a modified version of a quote by Aldous Huxley.

2) * : This small para referring to the beat of waves on a shore, is a redacted version of a quote by Virgina Woolf.

3) Swara's assurance to Sanskaar----that she considers them as a witness to each others lives---is a modified version of a wonderful dialogue in the film "Shall We Dance".

4) **: This small para, referring to souls connected across the ages, is a dialogue from the film "The Prince of Persia".

5) The 468 Billion Thai Baht infrastructure project, covering the northern city of Chiang Mai, as well as Nong Khai, on the Thai-Laos border: is a real infrastructure project envisaged by the Thai Government. Smile

6) White Bellied Sea Eagles are a majestic species of raptor, living along coasts from India, through South East Asia, to Australia. Pairs generally mate for life. Smile  


Link to Epilogue 2:

(Page 48 of this Thread).

CogitoErgoSum2016-07-10 10:34:13

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