Entering into the DEN

3 years ago

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"I'm going to kick his ass as soon as he confronts me' groans faiza pacing in the airport entrance like a manic. 

"Calm down faiza..he said he will tell everything right' anish said eating his chocolate bar. Faiza rolled her eyes,

"How could you stay so calm anish? Didn't you see how those rogues chased us?'

"Can't you wait for a minute until sid come' he sighed stuffing the full bar in his mouth.

Faiza threw her hands in the air dismissing her talk with anish. 

"Hii faiza...an-anish!' calls roli reaching them with four bodyguards behind her. 

"Why so late girl?...' asks him with a smile but roli ignored him walks near faiza. Anish scrunched his eyebrows,

"Roli what's wr...' 

"stay away from our madam boy' yelled one guard grabbing anish's shoulder. Roli shocked. 

"Hey, leave him' faiza tries to remove that person's hand from her friend. 

"Please leave him..Please! He won't talk to me hereafter i promise' pleased roli with a tears stopping faiza. 

Her guard removed his hand from him,

"Careful' he warned anish. 

"when your professor will come madam?...' asked a man. 

"Shortly' replied roli looking down while faiza glares at those men. 

Roli walked little away from the guards signalling her friends near her. She gave anish a guilty look who was looking at her nonchalantly. 

"I'm sorry anish, my amma won't allow me to talk to any boys...'

"I can't understand girl...' smiles him tapping her cheek. 

"Thank you so much anish! You didn't feel bad, do you?...' queries roli. 

"yeah' said him upsetting her. 

"he crushed my pressed shirt' jokes him pouting his lips. Roli smiled wiping her tears. 

"Thank you' she thanked him once again pressing his knuckle. 

A while later....

Three black ROLLS-ROYCE stopped in the parking lot of airport back to back pulling everyone's attention. 

Faiza gave an impressed look at those cars while anish and roli were trying sid's number but receiving same switched off response from other side. 

Faiza gasped loudly enough for roli and anish to see her. 

"What?...' roli touched her shoulder. 

"look there' she said pointing the cars. 

Roli and anish saw the direction spotted sid and surprised. 

Sid got down from one rolls-royce with arnav surrounding by guards. Matthew with ruhi and Ishita got down from another car following them. 

Sid was looking damn handsome in his white shirt and blue jeans while arnav in his signature black suit. They were walking towards the airport entrance ravishingly like models.

"Oh my god...I'm going to die' faiza opens her mouth gawking arnav. 

"Grr...' grunts roli and anish in unison. Faiza ignored them continuing drool at arnav. 

"Hey guys' sid jumps in excitement running near his friends. He pulled him inside his arms giving bear hug. 

"Oh my god, i missed you so much...'

"Move aside' a guard pushed sid away stumbling him backward. Before sid would react the bodyguard was thrown to the ground by arnav with a loud thud. 

The friends flinched while sid's family members were walking inside the airport like they haven't witnessed anything. 

Roli's guards runs near arnav but stopped by sid's guards. 

"Did you just touch my boy?...' growled arnav kicking that man's ribs making him cry in pain. Sid saw his friends shivers visibly. He hugged arnav from behind,

"Pa..enough! Cool down! We need to go' mumbled him in arnav's ears. Arnav's rage subsided the very next moment after feeling sid. Arnav took a breath,

"Let's go' said arnav signalling his guards to clear them. Sid moved a step back with a smile. 

"Matthew, before our boarding can you please delete the footage?...' asks arnav pointing the parking lot cameras. Matthew opened his mouth to say something,

"use bhaiya's name' arnav winked at him. "sure' matthew smiled then headed towards the controlling room. 

"Come junior' arnav placed his hand in sid's back started walking inside. 

Sid's friends who were watching everything forgetting to blink followed him like an frozen iceberg. 

After verifying their passports. Anish walked near the digital board to check the time of their flight. 

"Anish? No need! We have our private jet...' sid announced flabbergasting his friends. 

Faiza rose up from her seat,

"Who are you?...' queried her clenching her jaw. 


"no i need to know..tell me' she ordered. 

"Sidhant beta...' ishita Interrupted sid and faiza's talk calling him waving her hand. 

"One minute faizu' he excused before walking near his mother. 


"Who are you? What your father is doing? How did he have gun? He killed three guys that day and police...police how your father shut their mouth? Now, he hit those men in front of the fu*** international airport...'

"Shhhh' sid shushed pouring water in a glass handed over faiza who was breath heavily because of her rants. 

Faiza pulled it from him gulped it in one go. 

"Tell Sid, who are you?...' queries roli calmly. Sid crouched before roli leveling his face with hers. He took her both hands in his....

"Trust me roli..I'll tell everything! Just wait for some more time..will you?...' 

Roli nodded her head making eye contact with sid. She clasped her hands around sid's neck hugged him closer. 

"I was so scared...if you father hadn't reached on time.....' a sob escaped from her throat. 

"What i will do without you sidhant?...' cries burying her face in his neck. Sid rubbed her back,

"Nothing will happen roli, my papa won't let anything happen to me and you are stuck with me girl for eternity' whispered him in her ears. Roli grinned,

"My pleasure' confessed roli tightened her grip while anish and faiza smirks watching the lovebirds. 

Couple of hours later,

Sid's family and friends came out from Jaipur international airport walking towards the parking lot. 

Faiza moved near arnav,

"Hi arnav ji' cooed her smiling blinking her eyelids. 

"Hii' replied him without lifting his head from his mobile. Faiza pouted her lips. She heard a growl and giggles from her behind and spotted an angry sid and chuckling her other two friends. 

"No..No..No....' whines faiza reading the board AJS FORTRESS. 

"Come faiza...' sid pulled her near the giant gate of aryan's market. 

"What's going on there Sid?...' arnav asks standing near the gate eyeing faiza who was sitting in the ground with horror filled face. 

"Nothing pa, you go I'll join with you soon' said him smilingly. Arnav rolled his eyes indicating a person to open the gate for him. Arnav entered into the market with matthew, ishita and ruhi. 

"How could your father is entering so casually in aryan bhai's market?...' dumbfounded faiza covering her mouth. 

Sid took a deep breath,

"My full name is sidhant aryan jai singh bhardwaj' stated sid shocking his three friends. 

"Aryan is my father' smiles him knocking air from roli,anish and faiza's lungs. Faiza stood up,

"Ar-Ar...you mean A-R-Y-A-N J-A-I...' 

"S-I-N-G-H' spells sid like faiza. Their breath caught in their throat and their legs turned wobbly. 

"Aryan Jai Singh's son?...' roli mumbles glancing sid with almost horror. 

"I know you have so many questions..i'll explain everything later now com...'

"Anish hold me' says faiza fainted in anish's arms appalling rosid. 

"Oh my god' sid held her with anish.

"faiza?..faizaa?...' roli shook her waking her up..

Faiza opened her eyes,

"Where am I? Tell me i'm not in Jaipur and lying near aryan bhai's fortress' 

Sid chuckles,

"Well...you're in Jaipur and lyi...'

"who are you?...' asks her dramatically. Rosid and anish laughed at their crazy friend,

"Get up girl...i'll tell you...' 

"no' faiza passed out fakely. 

"ok, leave her my guards will bring her inside' sid rose up. 

"What? Nooo' she whines watching the guards who were four times bigger than her. 

The gate opened.....

Rosid, anish and faiza entered into the market. Except sid other three were panicking walking beside sid. Roli clutched sid's sleeves. 


The people found sid and reaches him. 

"Junior..how are you?...'

"good Bhai, you? Where is Nikita?...' 

"school" shikar answered tapping sid's cheek. 

"Sidhant beta' jyoti cupped sid's face admires him for sometime. 

"Dadi, how are you?...' enquired sid. 

"fine beta, you?'

"Fine' he smiled. Jyoti saw roli's arm around sid's. 

"Oh you brought my bahu too?' she asked caressing roli's hairs. Rosid's eyes widened in surprise while faiza and anish snickered. 

Sid looks down roli locked his eyes with hers. Her cheeks turned red. Sid beamed at jyoti...

"Dadi arnav pa is waiting for us..i have to go, i'll talk to you later'

"Ok beta' jyoti kissed sid's forehead. 

"let's go guys' sid joined roli's hand with his stepped towards his mansion. 

"Finally my baccha is here' ruhi rolled her eyes as she recalled how sid ignored her after joining with his friends. 

"Don't call me like that choti?...' scowled sid pointing his finger. 

"Introduce your friends to me' demanded her standing before the fantastic four crossing her arms. 

Sid sighed,

"This is roli, faiza and anish....and guys this is my devil sister' introduced him wrapping his arm around ruhi. 

"Hi' roli waved her hand at them. 

"Hi too' faiza said gawking the beautiful mansion. 

"Hi ruhi' anish stretched his hand at her. Ruhi saw sid to ask permission which he gave a small nod. 

"Hi' she shook her cold hand with his warm one. A slight pinkish colour appeared her cheeks. Anish wants to smirk but controlled himself. 

"When did you grow beard this much?...' faiza questioned standing near aryan's 10×12 inches photo frame. Ruhi gave her a weird look...

"Come on, don't compare this guy with my papa...that's my aryan papa' proclaimed ruhi bewildering the three. 




ARNAV BHARDWAJ (This is how arnav will look)


FAIZA KHAN: (faiza's look)


ANISH JOSHI: (anish's look)


RUHI BHARDWAJ: (Ruhi's look)


MATTHEW PAUL: (Matthew's look) 



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Comments (9)

Ps cs are super awesome and they would make amazing pair

3 years ago

Wow di Lovely all over i love faiza reaction finally they got to know about Sidhant and i am waiting for next update soon

3 years ago

And this story is already in my library only akka ♥️♥️

3 years ago

Awesome update ... 👏👏.. roli’s mom is really too much .. felt bad for Anish .. Siddhant’s entry was cool ..... by seeing the picture confirm Arnav and Faiza are going to be a couple soon .. and Faiza’s reactions were awesome .. eagerly waiting for them to meet aryan .. looks like Ruhi is having a crush on Anish .. very eagerly waiting for the next update ✌️✌️

3 years ago

Arnav handling the the guy for hurting sid was interesting. Faiza is cool.are arnav Faiza going to be a pair?rosid part was emotional. Surprised to see the cast.

3 years ago

Superb update! Sid's entry at the airport is dashing. Waiting for Aryan's scene. Btw, are you really planning to pair up Faiza with Arnav?😂 The actors pics you've posted for CS is making me think so😂

3 years ago

Interesting Update . I liked Sid's entry while I feel bad for Roli's mother

3 years ago

Super update... Faiza reaction was super when side said he is son of aryan.... Picture are super.... Eagerly waiting for to know Sid's friends reaction when aryan come in front of them... Eagerly waiting for next update....
I already add to my library....

3 years ago

Awesome update .... Roli's mother doing over , don't know how she's living such a restricted life 🙄 but Anish took it casually was nice ... Sid's entry was superrrrr , and Arnav's attack on Roli's guard for touching Sid was too good , he did good thing 🤭.. As expected faizu fainted after knowing Sid's full name , her act outside AJS fortress was amazing 🤣🤣🤣... finally all entered into the mansion and saw Aryan's pic now waiting for the another blast 🤣🤣🤣🤣 update next soonnnnnnn

3 years ago