Raazi  The Love Affirmation (#IFFA2020) Thumbnail

Raazi The Love Affirmation (#IFFA2020)
Completed G

Saturday,May 23, 2020 05:46 AM GMT-06:00

Gold.Abrol Thumbnail



Summary: There is a saying “ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE & WAR” but that’s not actually true, people these days tend to forget the meaning of “FAIR” when it comes to love or war, they only remember their pain & don’t see the other side or part & once they realize it’s quite late. At times we lose that relationship & faith completely even we are scared to move ahead too as when our ego or our heart is already wounded we cannot think sane. A complete relationship can only be justified if we give our complete dedication to it be it love or hatred but we tend to forget that people we hate affect us the most they know our weakness & that’s why they easily overpower our senses, basically they are 2 sides of the same coin & one should accept this truth with a sane mind.
Author's Note: It will be a little dark FF considering to my any work & it contain bit of realities as well as logical mental states of the characters

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