The Handbook of Time Thumbnail

The Handbook of Time
Ongoing G

Friday,Oct 01, 2021 06:14 AM GMT-06:00

Viswasruti Thumbnail



Summary: A team of friends started their journey in search of their artistic pursuits! A jig here and a song there, everywhere there is a celebration of art, creativity in its newly found zest!
Author's Note: Let me live, love, and say it well either in a few words or with a brush of colorful strokes!
Allow yourself to get a little carried away, since peripheral thoughts frequently become the major point of your writing. The words automatically act as descriptors of the visuals.
Dramatization, pure narration, stream of consciousness – joining and intermixing these into one ---not a very clear idea - stays in me. The idea is to keep all without tearing away the layers of the links between the external and internal movements. There is a desire to know some empty secret. Trigger Warning: No trigger warning.