Imlie: Surya tries his best to find out the whereabouts of Raghu from Imlie, Imlie sticks to her stand

Imlie written update, 6th March, 2024: Imlie sticks to her stand of not being involved in Raghu's murder despite Surya's extreme measures of interrogating her.

Aanchal Chowdhary Thumbnail

Aanchal Chowdhary

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Sai Ketan Rao and Adrija Roy
Sai Ketan Rao and Adrija Roy as Surya and Imlie.

The episode of Imlie tonight commences with Surya persisting in questioning Imlie, who remains steadfast in her silence despite the constable's report of her immobility. 

Feeling suffocated, Imlie pleads for the door to be opened, asserting her innocence. Surya, unmoved, instructs the constable to provide water but halts her upon noticing her writing. Curious, Surya examines what Imlie is writing, only to become incensed when he discovers it's a mathematical formula. Imlie defends herself, explaining that she has an upcoming exam and accuses Surya of needlessly complicating her life.

Surya, undeterred, suggests administering a lie detector test to ascertain the truth. However, the constable reminds him that court permission is required. Imlie, eager to prove her innocence, grants permission and urges Surya to proceed with the test.

Meanwhile, Tripathi is informed of Imlie's unwavering silence and Surya's plan for a lie detector test. He expresses confidence in Surya's unique method, believing it to be foolproof.

As the lie detector test commences, Surya adopts an unconventional approach by claiming to be a human lie detector, measuring Imlie's pulse as a means of discerning truth. Despite her resistance, Imlie responds to his questions, maintaining her innocence. Meanwhile, back at the Chaudhry household, tensions rise as Daadi attributes a mess in the house to Imlie's absence. Shivani reveals to Sonali that Imlie has been falsely implicated and subsequently arrested, causing alarm amongst the family members.

In the interrogation room, Surya relentlessly questions Imlie about Raghu's murder, but she vehemently denies any involvement. Convinced of her guilt, Surya's determination to prove her culpability intensifies, driven by personal insecurities and the desire to prove his loyalty to Malti.

The situation escalates when Commissioner arrives at the police station and discovers Surya's unauthorized arrest of Imlie. Despite Sonali and Shivani's protests, Commissioner suspends Surya pending an investigation. However, Imlie pleads for leniency, recognizing Surya's misguided intentions. Meanwhile, Binni manipulates Daadi's emotions, exploiting her fear of her unborn child growing up without a father. Surya returns home, concealing his failure to find Raghu's whereabouts from Malti. Imlie arrives home with Sonali and Shivani, urging Malti to trust her brother's intentions.

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Sai Ketan Rao Thumbnail

Sai Ketan Rao

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Adrija Roy

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Comments (1)

Aanchal Thanks for the written update

3 months ago

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