Review: Did the 'Fast X' ride just get better as it approaches the end soon? Yes, it did

Who would have thought that one of the most done-to-death and monotonous franchises (which was still making big money) would somehow manage to resurrect itself while approaching its swansong! Not many!

Fast X

Fast X

Who would have thought that one of the most done-to-death and monotonous franchises (which was still making big money) would somehow manage to resurrect itself while approaching its swansong! Not many! Over two decades into racing cars, jumping cars, flying cars, hell even space cars - the Fast and Furious (F&F) franchise has explored every possible and impossible creative instances ranging from 'Wow!' to 'Like, seriously?' Now, the tenth instalment arrives in the form of Fast X, which is said to be the penultimate film in this long series, or maybe the first chapter of a three-film finale.

So, does this tenth film manage to breathe life into this world in a way that does get you re-invested and care about the upcoming last chapters? Does it have some mind-boggling surprises in store? That and many other questions answered in a SPOILER-FREE review here. Having had the chance to see the film beforehand, here is what I thought about it-

The Story is, Good?

The Story is Good?

One of the biggest complaints that the F&F films, in the past few instalments especially have received how the story is just monotonous, rehashed, predictable and flat-out boring. But hey, to my absolute wondering, Fast X manages to dish out a rather decent story amid the midtown madness going on with cars and action everywhere. 

A pretty convincing backstory with Jason Momoa's Dante Reyes being the antagonist, John Cena's Jacob having a one-of-a-kind appearances in the film, some emotional moments that surround 'family' and friendships as well, and some long lost threads being rewoven - it actually turns out to be a rather investing story with favorite characters getting some interesting arcs and some other big twists as well.

Jason Momoa - You Beauty!

Jason Momoa - You Beauty!

Oh my! If you thought Momoa was masculine and rugged as Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones, a beefed-up savior in the superfun Aquaman - you can now see one of the best antagonist performances in a massy film in recent times - Dante Reyes in Fast X. Not only is Momoa the best thing about the film but he manages to light up the screen everytime he arrives. 

His fabulous sense of dark humor, unmistakable charm, supreme wit and improvisation with the lines, over-the-top treatment with the antics and being a purely unhinged psychopath is exactly what was needed in Fast X amid all the other emotional and braniac beings. Momoa deserves special credit and applause for this performance.

The Loopholes

The Loopholes

It is inevitable to have loopholes in a Fast & Furious film. But unlike many, I am not going to mark on the 'physics-defying' stunts and action because that is what you sign up for - and you are delivered. The blank spaces, though, arrive in one of the parallel tracks involving Michelle Rodriguez's Letty and Charlize Theron's Cipher. Rodriguez might have witnessed one of the biggest character dips in in Fast X, where apart from one brilliant and signature one-on-one action piece with Theron, she barely gets any character development. 

This whole exchange and parallel storyline was one of the weakest links. Apart from that, in an otherwise smooth run with the happenings, the pace gets sluggish at it approaches the pre-climax where no amount of adrenaline-rushing and insane action is enough to fill in a sense of fatigue that sets in. To the film's credit, it brings us back with a couple of big developments ahead but still, it falters in that part.

The Future & Big Surprises

The Future & Big Surprises

To many, the climax seemed rather abrupt but actually, that is an intentional cliff-hanger as the film sets up for atleast one other chapter, if not two final films ahead. The setting up of this is done rather well where a few heartbreaks happen and a few huge surprises are also in store for us. There is a mid-credits scene that shouldn't be missed out as well. The decision to keep this a beginning of sorts for an epic conclusion to one of the most-loved and successful franchises in the world received quite a lot of flak by many but it now seems a smart call.

The Verdict

Firstly, one of the most obvious factors, that I hope most would agree on is that Fast X is definitely a huge improvement over the 8th and 9th instalment at the very least. Fast X breathes life into this franchise once again in a manner that all those who lost any faith or interest in what seemed like a series that had run its course for a while can get that interest back; care about the happenings in this world and of course, have some insane fun with the big-scale action pieces as well. And hey, most importantly, see Jason Momoa have an absolute blast!

Rating - ***1/2 (3.5/5)

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Fast X

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Let Count Some Hours And Wait To See Fastx To Be Release In Worldwide Theaters

1 years ago

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