Pandya Store: Dhawal vows to locate Natasha in Mumbai

Pandya Store written update, 11 May 2024: Dhawal becomes restless upon recalling Natasha and decides to find her in Mumbai.

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Pandya Store: Dhawal vows to locate Natasha in Mumbai
Dhawal of Pandya Store. Image Courtesy: Star Plus

Tonight's Pandya Store opens with Hetal asking Golu if the police had questioned him, but he denies it. Dhawal (Rohit Chandel) apologises to Hetal and informs her that Golu has been suspended from school for a month. Hetal emotionally confronts Dhawal for keeping Naveli with him at the Makwana house, expressing her feelings of being undervalued since Amrish's death, while Golu, being fatherless, seems to garner more sympathy. She implies that her family is suffering because of Dhawal's wife and child.

Shantanu (Sagar Parekh) is taking Natasha (Priyanshi Yadav) home, but she insists on seeing Naveli, crying until he promises her chocolate, which finally brings a smile to her face. Neighbours start gossiping about Shantanu, suggesting he's taking advantage of Natasha's mental instability and questioning why he hasn't married her. Shantanu becomes angry and escorts Natasha home, facing the nosy neighbours with a threatening gesture.

Hetal breaks Naveli's trophy:

Naveli excitedly tells Pranali about winning first prize, but Pranali is preoccupied with Ronit and fails to acknowledge Naveli's achievement. Hetal, Dolly, Ruhi, and Bhavin all ignore Naveli, who is left feeling neglected. Hetal then harshly scolds Naveli for getting Golu suspended from school and punishes her by breaking her trophy. Natasha experiences a panic attack, and Shantanu comforts her, holding her hand for support. Meanwhile, Naveli feels unloved and ignored by everyone, especially after Hetal breaks her trophy. She tries to fix it herself while feeling sad and longing for affection.

Shantanu decides to marry Natasha:

Shantanu's sister advises him to ignore the neighbours' gossip, but he reveals his intention to marry Natasha to shield her from society's judgmental attitudes. Hetal serves Naveli bitter gourd, insisting it's her punishment for her supposed misdeeds. Despite Pranali's objections, Naveli is forced to eat it or go hungry. Naveli struggles to eat the bitter gourd while Golu and Hetal watch with satisfaction. Dhawal becomes restless upon recalling Natasha and decides to find her in Mumbai.

Precap for the next episode:

In the precap, Natasha visits the Makwana house and accidentally breaks Amrish's photo, leading to a dramatic reaction from Dhawal.

Precap for the next episode:

In the precap, Natasha visits the Makwana house and accidentally breaks Amrish's photo, leading to a dramatic reaction from Dhawal.

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Priyanshi Yadav

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Rohit Chandel

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