Pandya Store: Dhawal encounters Natasha

Pandya Store written update, 10 May 2024: Dhawal bumps into Natasha, who is playfully drenching herself with a water pipe.

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Pandya Store: Dhawal encounters Natasha
Natasha and Dhawal from Pandya Store. Image Courtesy: Star Plus

Tonight's Pandya Store begins with Shantanu (Sagar Parekh) and Natasha (Priyanshi Yadav) attending a painting competition alongside Naveli and Dhawal (Rohit Chandel). They unknowingly cross paths, with Natasha and Dhawal's hands brushing against each other. Despite this, they don't notice each other. Dhawal senses Natasha's presence and calls out for her, while Shantanu notices Natasha running and follows her. As Dhawal and Shantanu almost collide, they instead come face to face. Shantanu inquires if Dhawal is searching for someone, and Dhawal responds in kind.

Meanwhile, Naveli rushes to submit her painting for the competition, but Dhawal intervenes and prevents her from doing so. Ignoring her pleas, he takes her away, causing Naveli to leave her painting behind, which her teacher picks up and places with the other submissions. Naveli's painting depicts herself and Natasha. Natasha, attempting to clean paint from her face, playfully drenches herself with a water pipe. Dhawal, captivated by Natasha, watches her as Naveli slips away. Dhawal approaches Natasha emotionally, but she runs off absentmindedly, leaving him puzzled. As he tries to follow, he slips and falls, losing sight of Natasha.

Shantanu saves Natasha:

Shantanu also searches for Natasha, who is ultimately found cheering for Naveli upon hearing her name announced as the winner of the inter-school drawing competition. Shantanu rushes to Natasha's side as she stands on the terrace. He arrives just in time to prevent her from falling, pulling her close to him. Meanwhile, Dhawal, still searching for Natasha, approaches Naveli, but he leaves without listening to her excitement about winning. Desperate for information about Natasha, he sees Naveli leaving alone and stops her.

Naveli informs Dhawal of her need to meet her friend, but he insists on taking her to the car. From the car, Naveli bids Natasha goodbye, and Dhawal insists that she get inside, closing the window pane. Witnessing Naveli's departure, Natasha becomes distraught and chases after the car but falls. Dhawal notices her fall, but it is too late, as Natasha and Shantanu have already boarded an auto. Natasha cries for Naveli while Shantanu comforts her. Back at Naveli's house, she dreams of receiving praise and congratulations from her family, but in reality, they are preoccupied with their own affairs. The episode concludes with Natasha still feeling upset.

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Priyanshi Yadav

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Sagar Parekh

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Rohit Chandel

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Pandya Store

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