Keh Doon Tumhein actor Mudit Nayar: It's a great experience working with Vajra Productions

Mudit Nayar plays the leading role of Vikrant in Keh Doon Tumhein (KDT).

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Mudit Nayar

Mudit Nayar plays the leading role of Vikrant in Keh Doon Tumhein (KDT). The show is produced by Vajra Productions. Praising the title of the show and shares he is enjoying working on the show.

“I think the title is quite apt and justifies the plot of our show. ‘Keh Doon Tumhein’ sounds like someone is in a dilemma about whether to go ahead and share his/her secrets or not,” she says.

KDT is a thriller. “This is my second thriller; my first thriller was 'Anamika’,” he continues, “My character is a serial killer and has 14 murders under his belt so far. Playing Vikrant is quite fun and challenging because of its multiple layers and dimensions. Since he is a serial killer, I am glad I don't have much in common with him.”

The show is being shot in Panchgani, and the actor adds that it’s a treat shooting in such a beautiful place. “More than work, it feels like we are on a vacation. The weather is awesome, the views are beautiful, there's no traffic, and the air is fresh. I mean, I can just go on and on.”

About working with Vajra Productions, he adds, “It's a great experience working with them. Their approach to filming is completely different from other production houses. It's not easy to manage a whole unit outdoors indefinitely, but they are willingly doing it for the quality of the show. Their treatment of content and their approach are all different from my previous experiences. I am confident that Vajra will become one of the biggest production houses in the near future.”

The response around the show has been great. “We are in this line of work to entertain, and when fans shower so much love, it feels like a victory. This show is different because it's daring and willing to explore dark places where other TV shows would never dare to go. The execution, the real locations, the dark theme—these are all factors that make this show stand out from any other,” he says.

The TV industry has evolved. “Personally, I feel there's still much that needs to change in the TV industry. We are taking baby steps, but we should shift gears. With the explosion of content on OTT platforms and all the exposure out there, TV really needs to up its game,” he opines.

Daily soap means a lot of hard work and patience. And Mudit adds, “I have never shied away from hard work; in fact, I welcome it. So yes, TV is not for lazy people. It's very challenging. However, there's no doubt that quality often suffers due to delivery expectations. So, I can only hope that someday things will change. For now, I just try to give my best and leave the rest up to destiny.”

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Finally an article on this show.

7 months ago

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